Dark money donor


Crumbly feta is not God's Plan
does anyone remember that time Patrick mocked Quasi for having taken out loans to finance his legal defense? Probably was from a SMS screenshots so it's not coming up on search. If someone finds it pls post. @archive_bot ?

so which one is it? a bank loan or a dark money donor? another day, another contradicTion
It was in one of the Josiah tapes where he spoke on that theory.
These are grown men that can't fathom Pat's lolcow status. Of course, it has to be a underground conspiracy financed by Dr. Evil and not because of the the child-like garbage he spews on social media . They will now document and sue people that laugh. Felony lol'ing, child. Pat would totally destroy this place by ignoring it but he loves the attention. They need to stop pretending like this is James Bond international intrigue. They've taken the larping too far and live in fantasy world. Most of them are fat, too.


I'm relatively certain that Patrick is a moron. He's literally dumber than Jimmy Wichart (King of the Hill reference, Dan).