Dark money donor



Cuban wins, I need to do more research on this retard before I can do a good job


More Worser

Not Mexican. Not jewish. NOT bald.😡
the “Teach men not to rape” feminists who insist a woman who gets naked wasted in a locked room with a pack of niggers has contributed nothing to her own suffering.
She hasn’t. Because she wants to be raped. Everything low-tier feminists do is centered around their deeply latent rape fantasies


Patrick, I mean this from the bottom of my heart.
You are a fucking retard. You're not important. You are a retard.
No one is trying to silence you, there is no conspiracy to bring you down. Why would we want to silence our prized Pig?
Everything you say and do makes us laugh and we pay nothing for the privilege.
You're also very fat.
Ever since cow brain tapped out it’s been pig tits ever since. Thank you for the milk, Rick. That’ll do, pig. That’ll do.