Contempt of Court


The ONLY station that REALLY ROCKS!
Hell handwrite his copy pasta, postage stamp and all.
Dear stlaker,

You are going to prison, stlaker. You are mentally ill, stlaker. You have been instructed, many thousands of times, to cease contacting this prison. Continuing to do so constitutes felony postal harassment. Do not contact this prison again.

Patrick S. Tomlinson

P.S. I am not fat, child. That is simply your delusion.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
Also, I’ve heard county jail is horrible and worse than prison before, dunno how accurate that is. Shkreli also says as much.
I just dont think the judge would give him a long enough sentence to qualify for prison. Id guess 3 months or less. Unless Pat makes a scene in court and there is an 80% chance of that happening.


The gunslinger.
I just dont think the judge would give him a long enough sentence to qualify for prison. Id guess 3 months or less. Unless Pat makes a scene in court and there is an 80% chance of that happening.

There’s a non-zero chance he doesn’t show up for the contempt hearings and is arrested for contempt of court at home, where he could possibly assault an officer / resist arrest.

Me rn:



Ending up in county jail would be harder for him than actual prison and that is most likely where he would serve his time if the court rules that direction.
In my experience, guys with oppositional defiance disorder, do really well in jail. Heh. Pat's mouth would get him in trouble within 48 hours and dude's will think nothing of beating the shit out of him and the guards/CO'S will look the other way.

As an aside, the thought of Patrick going through alcohol and Twitter withdrawal is breaking my ribs. Pat's too prideful to admit that he's an alcoholic/problem drinker. Pat in the fetal position and alternating between sweating bullets and shivering, has me hoping he's stupid enough to tell the judge to fuck off.


You all like to stand around telling fuckin jokes. You won't be joking in 18 months when Patrick comes out jacked up with a couple of tear tattoos under his eye and a swastika on his chest.
How would he get jacked up? He's too lazy to do push-ups and situps and walk 10k+ steps a day. There's no weights in jails (especially free weights). The closest thing would be a broom stick with a large sack of water on each side of the stick.
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Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
In my experience, guys with oppositional defiance disorder, do really well in jail. Heh. Pat's mouth would get him in trouble within 48 hours and dude's will think nothing of beating the shit out of him and the guards/CO'S will look the other way.
Dont forget the part where he runs to tattle the COs because he thinks they are going to protect him. Only to find out the inmates now know he is a rat and his stay gets worse.

Here is a peek into what milwaukee county jail looks like.




How would ge get jacked up? He's too lazy to do push-ups and situps and walk 10k+ steps a day. There's no weights in jails (especially free weights). The closest thing would be a broom stick with a large sack of water on each side of the stick.
Pat's going to be so fucked in jail. It's something that can be dealt with if you stay with your race, mind your own business, and don't start any conflict.....not exactly Fat Pat's strengths.

I'd like to see how he "stands up to nazis chanting blood and soil" when he's in there. I don't think he's going to be much of an actual tough guy, social warrior.