Conspiracy! Did Anthony and Joe Cumia Dox Stealthygeek in June 2017?


Nice For Here
I was a governor! Anyway, did you know that Patrick apparently had a spat with noted woman-biter Anthony Cumia?

It's true, see for yourself: to:anthonycumia&src=typed_query&f=live






Patrick had joined Twitter way back in September 2012, apparently remaining undoxed until 2017...


His responses from Anthony are, sadly, lost because Anthony got himself banned, but they did draw the ire of Anthony Cumia fans (i.e., actual Nazis, for once).



Less than six hours later:

A closer look at CClownerson:





Did serial doxer Anthony Cumia have Patrick doxed, as well? I'm sure you all remember Josh Fonner, bike repair shop guy, college student called into the office guy, not-so-common-name guy, etc. I'm sure you recall that Anthony offered "bounties" on people's identities that reached into the thousands of dollars, and could actually afford to pay them in those days. Was Joe his right-hand man? Joe often bragged about doxing people. Hell, his various screen names often included it:


Maybe Patrick--and it pains me to say this--was actually right for once: about Joe. His gut feeling told him something was not right at all about Joe, and it wasn't just his Boomerbook politics....
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Holy crap, you're right. Great find brotherman. On the Strictly Atalking podcast, Pat acted like he had never heard of Opie and Anthony before in his life. Maybe he didn't know who he was talking to or just forgot.

Anyways going by Pat's responses, it looks like Tranth offered some kind of bounty to whoever could find any evidence that Trump colluded with Russia. In typical Pat fashion, he made the vanilla declaration "Trump colluded with Russia" then demanded the bounty. He did something similar in the r/autism thread when Pat accused someone of being a rapist, and the person said "I will give you my entire dox if you can find one shred of evidence that I'm a rapist". Pat was like "You and your friends are all rapists and rape apologists. There's your evidence."


Professional leech since 1994. Anyone can do it.
Lol this is an amazing find. As gay as it sounds, this just shows that our world and pig's were always destined to collide.

Also iirc when that first Norm tweet post was made on the old sub, there was a comment there that said something like 'I've been fucking with this guy for a while now. What took you so long?'.

Just look at this shit -


That's how he was acting before he came on the sub's radar and he actually thinks of himself as some innocent victim. He was always going to attract negative attention by acting how he does but of course he'll accept not one bit of responsibility for any it.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
So I’ve never put it out there because I don’t think it’s fledged out enough. I have a theory that Fat is an old school OnA fan. He simply got lost. He physically fits all the criteria. Dork nerd, fat or marginally fat at the time. Would definitely find worm edgy and tough. It explains his knowledge of Louis because let’s be honest fat doesn’t watch any comedy at all. His entire actual real life personality fits a general OnA fan from 2007. Once Ade let him know he’s worthless he snapped and started creating the fat persona we know now.


Nice For Here
So I’ve never put it out there because I don’t think it’s fledged out enough. I have a theory that Fat is an old school OnA fan. He simply got lost. He physically fits all the criteria. Dork nerd, fat or marginally fat at the time. Would definitely find worm edgy and tough. It explains his knowledge of Louis because let’s be honest fat doesn’t watch any comedy at all. His entire actual real life personality fits a general OnA fan from 2007. Once Ade let him know he’s worthless he snapped and started creating the fat persona we know now.
Someone else pointed this out once:

"The Philadelphia Incident"



Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
Someone else pointed this out once:

"The Philadelphia Incident"


This further proves it I haven’t seen this before. After Ade crushed the dorks life I think he did a 180 completely. He went from an 2007 OnA demographic type to what he is today. It explains a lot about his past and a lot about what he is today. A complete faggot at any point in life.


Brazil sent me a wife with a dick ☺️
Oh also..

If there was ever any doubt that Joe Cumia is the dumbest man on earth.
Why nigga ? Why? Why the fuck would he write this? Why would he write its legal to jerk off to child porn.

say “why” again stupid but really I’ve never understood how to take this. Is it satirical, who the fuck would defend someone and write that in the same breath. Lol fuckin joe

don’t think I’m defending my brother because we both fucked our sister… nigga lol I can’t hate this guy
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He also said lewis black, the same one who was on ona constantly and got arrested during the show, was his north star of comedy

You can't be a fan of black but not know his ona stuff. Its like saying youre a george carlton fan but don't know the 7 words or why they were important
Nah, you could easily have seen Lewis on the Daily Show and have no awareness of shock jockery.

I never really knew anything about O&A until a year or two after they started on XM. I had no idea he had been arrested until I heard them talking about it years later.