Canadiana, best and worst


Summer breeze fuckin' makes me feel fi-hiiine
You mentioned This Hour Has 22 Minutes - I actually always found it funny growing up, it was no Kids In The Hall but it was quotable and silly.
I liked it when I was young but I don't remember much from it other than Jean Chretien eventually getting pissed off at them on camera and telling them to fuck off after he'd been a good sport with their shit for a long time. They're lucky that Mary Walsh didn't get the Shawinnigan Shake.

I just looked it up. This show is still fucking going. There's 31 seasons of it lol

Turk February

Our experiences exceed yours.
I know the Log Riders Waltz is your favorite traditional Canadian song but Land of the Silver Birch makes me laugh genuine tears cuz you can just stick any words into it while sitting outside a gas station

me and my ex would sit outside a gas station drinking cheap beer and just going "land of the silver birch home of my penis" and dumb shit like that for HOURS and its one of my happiest memories.


Summer breeze fuckin' makes me feel fi-hiiine
There's a song called Mimi on the Beach I am tentative sharing the link but I guess I will. Canada sucked for a few years. This woman has residency 15 minutes from me performing this shit.

Lol you've shared Mimi on the Beach before. It sucks and rules simultaneously. If I lived where you did I'd go see this lady regularly.