Canadiana, best and worst



Sugar sounds like the lead singer of Once Human in bed (wait for it about 55 seconds in I promise it'll tickle your ribs)

Also, lead singer of Once Human can absolutely get it.

She probably sounds like Sugar in bed lol

Turk February

Our experiences exceed yours.
Very uncanadian of me to say this but I fucking hate beavers. They drastically fucked my summer up last year because they blocked off the spot on my river I pull up to get out of my kayak and piss. I made that spot mint and those little industrious faggots ruined it.
they don't know what they're doing, the dipshit singing about them knows what hes doing though


You are not a glowie. You are just stupid.
Very uncanadian of me to say this but I fucking hate beavers. They drastically fucked my summer up last year because they blocked off the spot I pull up to get out of my kayak and piss on my river. I made that spot mint and those little industrious faggots ruined it.
I dont know, man. I used to chill out by this one riverbank and watch this beaver haul logs out of the woods and do his thing. Sometimes i'd fuck with his dam, just to watch and see how he'd repair it(pretty rude tbh) it was right deadly. One time though, I come back to the spot, and all I can see as i'm walkin up on it, are his teeth sticking out, where the rest of his body was decayed to shit. I was soooooo bummed. Couldnt have been older than 10. Fuckin beaver hating niggers, ABE. ABE GUY


I say FUCK you, Jobu.
I dont know, man. I used to chill out by this one riverbank and watch this beaver haul logs out of the woods and do his thing. Sometimes i'd fuck with his dam, just to watch and see how he'd repair it(pretty rude tbh) it was right deadly. One time though, I come back to the spot, and all I can see as i'm walkin up on it, are his teeth sticking out, where the rest of his body was decayed to shit. I was soooooo bummed. Couldnt have been older than 10. Fuckin beaver hating niggers, ABE. ABE GUY
There's another spot on the river I stand in and fish for a while. I'm always afraid one of the fuckers will come out of nowhere and bite my femoral artery with their big ugly fucking teeth.

They'll fuck with me and beef me too. I've literally screamed "fuck off, faggot" at multiple beavers. They come right close to the kayak and slap their tails on the water and splash me.


Very uncanadian of me to say this but I fucking hate beavers. They drastically fucked my summer up last year because they blocked off the spot on my river I pull up to get out of my kayak and piss. I made that spot mint and those little industrious faggots ruined it.

I just bought this shirt, because I'm immature and my humour never progressed past fourteen years old


Fuck I can't stop thinking about fucking the lead singer of Once Human now!


That pussy would be so good. You'd call your friends up the next day and be like I'm pretty sure that I had sex with a witch last night. She just screamed about the devil in a growling voice the whole time and now I think I have some kind of medieval STD.


You are not a glowie. You are just stupid.
There's another spot on the river I stand in and fish for a while. I'm always afraid one of the fuckers will come out of nowhere and bite my femoral artery with their big ugly fucking teeth.
What if you caught a beaver? That would be scary as fuck. Speaking of beavers....I was standing around a group of guys having a smoke at work years ago, theres a woman there also. She's old, in her 60s. We're all talking about wild game we've eaten. And for some retarded reason, she looks right at me and says "Have you ever had beaver before!?" I burst out laughing. No and yes. "...I cant believe I just said that." she says while giggling. Why are women allowed to work? Especially old unfuckables.


I say FUCK you, Jobu.
Mr. Dressup & Fred Penner were great as a kid. I remember when Mr. Dressup & his wife got into a car accident & she died. When he returned to the show he was in a neck brace & one of the puppets asked him what happened & I thought it was wrong for the puppet to bring that sadness up.
I had a little cardboard tickle trunk full of costumes when I was little. I didn't know his wife died. That's sad as shit.


You are not a glowie. You are just stupid.
Mr. Dressup & Fred Penner were great as a kid. I remember when Mr. Dressup & his wife got into a car accident & she died. When he returned to the show he was in a neck brace & one of the puppets asked him what happened & I thought it was wrong for the puppet to bring that sadness up.
Jesus. Fawkin brutal. Finnerdy or whatever was like "Your wife just went through the windshield. Go"


I say FUCK you, Jobu.
What if you caught a beaver? That would be scary as fuck. Speaking of beavers....I was standing around a group of guys having a smoke at work years ago, theres a woman there also. She's old, in her 60s. We're all talking about wild game we've eaten. And for some retarded reason, she looks right at me and says "Have you ever had beaver before!?" I burst out laughing. No and yes. "...I cant believe I just said that." she says while giggling. Why are women allowed to work? Especially old unfuckables.
I've pulled fish in with big fucking water snakes attached to them before. Never hooked a beaver to my knowledge. I think they're fairly smart little cocksuckers.


What if you caught a beaver? That would be scary as fuck. Speaking of beavers....I was standing around a group of guys having a smoke at work years ago, theres a woman there also. She's old, in her 60s. We're all talking about wild game we've eaten. And for some retarded reason, she looks right at me and says "Have you ever had beaver before!?" I burst out laughing. No and yes. "...I cant believe I just said that." she says while giggling. Why are women allowed to work? Especially old unfuckables.
I watch this old drunk motherfucker one time pick up a sick beaver by the tail and swing it as hard as he could like a goddamn baseball bat against a tree.

I was probably four but the two things I remember that makes me laugh about it is when the beaver hit the tree and died the dude fell all the way to the ground because he was so drunk, and he killed the beaver in front of like thirty kids because it was near our playground.

I remember our preschool teacher started screaming and cursing him out in French. It was probably the most Canadian shit I've ever witnessed.