Broke my arm - convince me hospitall



Eventually. Yes.
No you don't. Trust me on that one. They will send it to a collections agency who will send you a letter about once every 3 months for the first 2 years and then it will be on your credit for five more years and then it just goes away.

I had like 50,000 in ER debt in 2006. By 2015 it was just gone. And all I did was ignore it.

So maybe eventually the collective "you" had to pay for it and that's why hospital visits are so expensive.
Nigga what ambulance are you taking that cost $40? I live in Iowa and for some reason they give me statements of what my insurance paid for and the ambulance ride just to the hospital (mind you I call my friends or family to get a ride back) is over $600
Obviously people talking different countries (I mean parts of Milwaukee), ambulances are free here & occasionally people who live near hospitals get arrested for using them as taxis, real cunt move - my buddy nearly died waiting for an ambulance (rural area) 'cus some asshole was being put on a spinal board after pretending to be hit by a car.

I've heard in US an ambulance will rock you $2k? is that true?


Update: oh shit, it might not even be the full seven!

It's 7 years MAXIMUM!

[URL unfurl="true"],for%20up%20to%20seven%20years.[/URL]


Obviously people talking different countries (I mean parts of Milwaukee), ambulances are free here & occasionally people who live near hospitals get arrested for using them as taxis, real cunt move - my buddy nearly died waiting for an ambulance (rural area) 'cus some asshole was being put on a spinal board after pretending to be hit by a car.

I've heard in US an ambulance will rock you $2k? is that true?
Depending on length of trip and whether or not they had to work on you in the ambulance? It can even be more than that bro. I got charged over $600 for a 3 mile ride to the ER with a broken nose. All they did was take my blood pressure.


No you don't. Trust me on that one. They will send it to a collections agency who will send you a letter about once every 3 months for the first 2 years and then it will be on your credit for five more years and then it just goes away.

I had like 50,000 in ER debt in 2006. By 2015 it was just gone. And all I did was ignore it.

So maybe eventually the collective "you" had to pay for it and that's why hospital visits are so expensive.
I'm too old to have to rebuild my credit. I already did the, "he fuck it- what's 7 years?"


What happened to the bicycle?
