Broke my arm - convince me hospitall

I don’t think you have another choice, brotherman. What are you scared of?
really hoping don't need any kind operation. I lost my fiancee to a hospital-aquired infection (age 26)... the fact I'm a pussy is probly bigger factor... & I don't know any docs at this hospital, so gettting all nicccce on meds probably aint gonna happen, & if you ask for 'em they just give you less.

I've been trying to pretend it's fine... then I move my arm & squeal like a fatrick. And I'm on stronger pain meds than they're ever gonna give me. it's a rough one


I reall need to go, proply need a pin put in.

I fell of my push bike last night, struggling to type.... also when I lean sideways IT FUCKIN KILLS!

I reallly need this dealt with. I've got so-much pain releif but that aint gonna work forever.

I drunnnnnnnnnnkeellly fell-off (I didnt mean too type like that - my aarm is floppy).... fuck! Broken at the top near shouldeeer.

I hate hossssspitalllls, mock me if u want, but maybe encourage me ... it's ok I got no pain no problem
Don’t be a stingy bitch. Americans love pain killer drugs. Also, get better faggot.


really hoping don't need any kind operation. I lost my fiancee to a hospital-aquired infection (age 26)... the fact I'm a pussy is probly bigger factor... & I don't know any docs at this hospital, so gettting all nicccce on meds probably aint gonna happen, & if you ask for 'em they just give you less.

I've been trying to pretend it's fine... then I move my arm & squeal like a fatrick. And I'm on stronger pain meds than they're ever gonna give me. it's a rough one

you're a bigger pussy than my 3 year old brother who fell off a sofa and broke his collar bone they gave him a sticker for being brave. Fag
out of interest, what did they do? The main 3 are gereally not a surgical intervention, did they put him in a spaz-brace, or just the sticker?


The Backbone of America
Lol. Forgetting passwords, getting swallowed by whales at sea, getting raided in what I'm sure was a hilarious fashion and now drunkenly eating shit off of bicycles, breaking bones and then almost not going to a hospital to have that dealt with. That's our Toss__Pot! You never disappoint, buddy. I hope you're okay.

Did you say "Oh, bugger" when you fell?


really hoping don't need any kind operation. I lost my fiancee to a hospital-aquired infection (age 26)... the fact I'm a pussy is probly bigger factor... & I don't know any docs at this hospital, so gettting all nicccce on meds probably aint gonna happen, & if you ask for 'em they just give you less.

I've been trying to pretend it's fine... then I move my arm & squeal like a fatrick. And I'm on stronger pain meds than they're ever gonna give me. it's a rough one
I feel you, I hate hospitals too but broken bones they cant fuck up even if they tried. You'll be fine. It's surgeries etc that you should worry about. This will be just some gauze and plaster of Paris bullshit.


don't call me scarface
the worst is having to stay over night for a surgery, all the other sccccumbags with shit patter.. also the wait before surgery, lying there for at least half an hour with nothing to do but brood, also, what's the deal with hospital food? i thought i was here to get better, not more sick!! haha, nah they do a good job though, god bless
I feel you, I hate hospitals too but broken bones they cant fuck up even if they tried. You'll be fine. It's surgeries etc that you should worry about. This will be just some gauze and plaster of Paris bullshit.
ur right dude, I've been speaking to a doctor & h says (if anything) they'll just put me in a cast (although maybe not - xray dependent). I'm pain-med'd up so feeling kinda ok, but every now & then I'll forget & go to grab something... Oof! drops me like a bitch, so xray would be a good idea.

For all people praise the UK's NHS, it's generally a 5-hour wait with fuck-all unless you come-in on an ambulance. I'm probably gonna keep self-medicating & drop-in 7am monday morning (weekends are a whole other shitshow)


My name's Henry. And you're here with me now
ur right dude, I've been speaking to a doctor & h says (if anything) they'll just put me in a cast (although maybe not - xray dependent). I'm pain-med'd up so feeling kinda ok, but every now & then I'll forget & go to grab something... Oof! drops me like a bitch, so xray would be a good idea.

For all people praise the UK's NHS, it's generally a 5-hour wait with fuck-all unless you come-in on an ambulance. I'm probably gonna keep self-medicating & drop-in 7am monday morning (weekends are a whole other shitshow)
What some of us in states do when ending up ER and don't want to sit in waiting room, you tell people at desk when you come in that you feel like you are going to pass out, they don't want any lawsuits from you falling and get put in exam room by yourself where you can lay down