Broke my arm - convince me hospitall


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
I'm about to go on stage, but for fucks sake, go to the hospital and quit being a cunt.

Maybe the nurse will wanna see your piece and ask for a taste.

Just a taste.
Lol. Forgetting passwords, getting swallowed by whales at sea, getting raided in what I'm sure was a hilarious fashion and now drunkenly eating shit off of bicycles, breaking bones and then almost not going to a hospital to have that dealt with. That's our Toss__Pot! You never disappoint, buddy. I hope you're okay.

Did you say "Oh, bugger" when you fell?
I totally did, I was a turtle on my back for a while in a dark (middle of nowhere)... So 'OHH BUGGER!!!' was no-doubt shouted.

greenstick fracture & chipped collar bone... but I'm fine. Yeah, thanks man!

Some cunt left a branch in a precarious dark place! ... I might've done the same when I was 9yrs old, so it's probably karma. I'm good tho'. TY


I totally did, I was a turtle on my back for a while in a dark (middle of nowhere)... So 'OHH BUGGER!!!' was no-doubt shouted.

greenstick fracture & chipped collar bone... but I'm fine. Yeah, thanks man!

Some cunt left a branch in a precarious dark place! ... I might've done the same when I was 9yrs old, so it's probably karma. I'm good tho'. TY
What's the whale story? I'm not up to date on my Tosspot lore.


Very late to the party but go and then ask for an orthopedic. ER doctors are truly retarded. They put I wrap on my ruptured Achilles lol.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
American hospitals are free too. You just go to the emergency room get fixed up and then never pay the bill. After 7 years it gets wiped off your credit.
It’s sad but a lot of the pro universal health care people don’t even know this. They think the hospital is going to break down your door, put a gun to your head, and make you pay. Sadly however, people not paying is one of the biggest reasons healthcare is expensive in the first place.

edit: Oh, and Toss. Go to the fucking hospital ya scoundrel. No reason some inbred immigrant should be getting better care than you. I get not liking them but you fucking pay for it in your country. Get a return on your taxes ya fucking sailor junky.
It’s sad but a lot of the pro universal health care people don’t even know this. They think the hospital is going to break down your door, put a gun to your head, and make you pay. Sadly however, people not paying is one of the biggest reasons healthcare is expensive in the first place.

edit: Oh, and Toss. Go to the fucking hospital ya scoundrel. No reason some inbred immigrant should be getting better care than you. I get not liking them but you fucking pay for it in your country. Get a return on your taxes ya fucking sailor junky.
I've just had shit experience with NHS hospitals, & the main private provider (Bupa) are over-keen to do unnecessary stuff to get paid.

I get ya tho'. It's probably more my personal issues / experiences makes me avoid 'em. Day-to-day stuff I do with private doc.

One final thing; my doctr said it seems like it's a basic break & small chip on collar bone... so they'd give me a sling & do nothing else anyway, (probably - he did suggest going hospital for xray).
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Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
I've just had shit experience with NHS hospitals, & the main private provider (Bupa) are over-keen to do unnecessary stuff to get paid
I obviously don’t understand how health care works in England, the closest I’ve had are Brit’s telling me how awful it is. I would wager you just need to be alert with Bupa and tell them no. Once again, don’t know the laws but I can’t imagine they can force you to do things you’re not comfortable with. They’ll just pressure you and make it sound more important than it is. Or just bite the bullet and not waste your tax dollars. At the end of the day, this isn’t something you walk off. I’m sure you’ve met plenty of old farts who never went and were fucked up their entire lives, from something completely preventable.
I obviously don’t understand how health care works in England, the closest I’ve had are Brit’s telling me how awful it is. I would wager you just need to be alert with Bupa and tell them no. Once again, don’t know the laws but I can’t imagine they can force you to do things you’re not comfortable with. They’ll just pressure you and make it sound more important than it is. Or just bite the bullet and not waste your tax dollars. At the end of the day, this isn’t something you walk off. I’m sure you’ve met plenty of old farts who never went and were fucked up their entire lives, from something completely preventable.
You're right, Bupa is the main semi-affordable private healthcare insurance, obviously they can't force you into any treatment / operation, but it might affect ongoing insurance since they've got a business model

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
You're right, Bupa is the main semi-affordable private healthcare insurance, obviously they can't force you into any treatment / operation, but it might affect ongoing insurance since they've got a business model
It was supposed to be “they can’t force you” which I’m sure you figured out. I hadn’t factored in insurance however. This just isn’t something worth putting off. How are you going to get high and forget your password when you can’t move an arm? Lotta good bits still to be had, no sense in letting your brothermen down over a fear of hospitals. Maybe you’ll come out with a bad ass scar to impress the wenches after a long day of pirating or whatever you do.
It was supposed to be “they can’t force you” which I’m sure you figured out. I hadn’t factored in insurance however. This just isn’t something worth putting off. How are you going to get high and forget your password when you can’t move an arm? Lotta good bits still to be had, no sense in letting your brothermen down over a fear of hospitals. Maybe you’ll come out with a bad ass scar to impress the wenches after a long day of pirating or whatever you do.
I dont think it's too bad, spoken to my personal doctor (who obviously says go straight away), it's the chipped collar bone bothering me more than hte break. He's upped me some pain meds anyway just so din't have an issue whn get there (totally different attitude to US). Probably gonna go tomorw morrning.

I coulllld deal with the break (more of a fracture), but the collar bone chip is fucking bothersome, doubt they'le do anything but cast or sling.... I think I'm go in morning - I''ve promised my mum, etc


A trick we do here (same bullshit long wait at the ER) is to call 911 and ask for the paramedics. Puts you in front of line, especially if you can act like death's a knockin'. Then a month later you get a bill for $40 for the ambulance ride, eezy peezy. An hour's wait instead of 5-7 minimum.
A trick we do here (same bullshit long wait at the ER) is to call 911 and ask for the paramedics. Puts you in front of line, especially if you can act like death's a knockin'. Then a month later you get a bill for $40 for the ambulance ride, eezy peezy. An hour's wait instead of 5-7 minimum.
maybe if I just laid on the floor when I came off my bike... but it's more my persoan dislike of hospitals - I coullld get a ride or ttaxi if neeeded. Just need to get my head round it


A trick we do here (same bullshit long wait at the ER) is to call 911 and ask for the paramedics. Puts you in front of line, especially if you can act like death's a knockin'. Then a month later you get a bill for $40 for the ambulance ride, eezy peezy. An hour's wait instead of 5-7 minimum.
Nigga what ambulance are you taking that cost $40? I live in Iowa and for some reason they give me statements of what my insurance paid for and the ambulance ride just to the hospital (mind you I call my friends or family to get a ride back) is over $600