Broke my arm - convince me hospitall

I reall need to go, proply need a pin put in.

I fell of my push bike last night, struggling to type.... also when I lean sideways IT FUCKIN KILLS!

I reallly need this dealt with. I've got so-much pain releif but that aint gonna work forever.

I drunnnnnnnnnnkeellly fell-off (I didnt mean too type like that - my aarm is floppy).... fuck! Broken at the top near shouldeeer.

I hate hossssspitalllls, mock me if u want, but maybe encourage me ... it's ok I got no pain no problem


Go work. Get Sandwiches
If you don't go, it won't set properly. It will fuck you in later life, and if you need it fixed. They will have to re break it. Have the hair of the dog and go A&E.

You might be home in time to put your feet up and listen to Josiah interview.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.
Go to the doc. When I broke my wrist I waited til the weekend was over to get it looked at and they had to rebreak it twice. Its not one of those " It'll be fine" type injuries.
Imagine living in some shit hole country were it's not just a "Fuck I've got to go to the hospital" thought and that's it.



If you don’t get it fixed it could get seriously infected and you could be potentially looking at getting the arm amputated down the line. Or you could wear a cast for a month. Not much of a choice really.