Bobby Kelly sucks and is ruining The Bonfire.


Give Me Some Money
@PogromStallone I dare you to sit through this:

I double dog dare ya.

I watched it, first twenty minutes or so sucked. The rest was actually pretty interesting, they talked about why the Comedy Cellar sucks now and shat on Seth Simon for pretty much the rest of the episode. Bobby was nowhere near as awful as he is on The Bonfire as he was on there. That Noam guy sucked though. Jay was funny as usual.


A circle of N-words
He's apparently a big kid but he's a whiney fruit to an extent that would've got me beaten. He literally called Bobby during the show, Bobby picked up because he assumed it was an emergency and the kid proceeded to whine - literally like a little girl - about how his mom is a cunt for making him do homework. When Bobby said he's in the middle of the show, the kid repeatedly said "I don't care." Also the only one who reprimanded the kid for shit-talking his mom was Jay, not Bobby. Bobby is the kind of guy who calls his son "sweetheart". Bobby never told the little bitch to go do his fucking homework either. The call ended with him assuring the kid "I'll talk to her." His kid alpha'd him on the air by whining like a girl.
didn’t he admit to kissing the kid on the lips? Sorry at no time will I kiss a fuckin kid on the mouth whether it’s mine or not. His kids on the way to being a full fledged cocksucker. Maybe my anger at Warren is misdirected. Maybe I’ll send Bobbie’s little faggot a blood soaked package.


The Backbone of America

didn’t he admit to kissing the kid on the lips? Sorry at no time will I kiss a fuckin kid on the mouth whether it’s mine or not. His kids on the way to being a full fledged cocksucker. Maybe my anger at Warren is misdirected. Maybe I’ll send Bobbie’s little faggot a blood soaked package.
Yes he did. He wipes his ass and kisses him on the mouth.


Get up here and shut up!
Bobby has continued with his inane bullshit on The Bonfire. Recently he talked about how brutal Vos' barbecue was. Apparently they started by "trashing Norton's stupid shoes" before they moved onto him. I would've hated to be there, not sure I would have survived it.
A show I listened to this week consisted of some sort of list of "cool" people they would hang out with and why. I shut it off after barely listening for 10 minutes, and a half hour later, they were still going on the same bit. Bobby is boring and Jay is just annoying. The first week of The Bonfire with Bobby always seemed to devolve into talking about their dicks. Someone on Reddit brought this up and it mysteriously stopped, but nobody on that staff looks at their Reddit. The show was better with Dan, but Jay would grind things to a halt by needing to insert some unnecessary boring banter and would get mad if nobody was paying attention to him.


The Backbone of America
Bobby has continued with his inane bullshit on The Bonfire. Recently he talked about how brutal Vos' barbecue was. Apparently they started by "trashing Norton's stupid shoes" before they moved onto him. I would've hated to be there, not sure I would have survived it.
I'm only still listening in a watching-the-world-burn kind of way. I barely ever enjoy it. The show is irreparably fucked. The last one I remember genuinely laughing at was the one with some bitch named Liz Miele. It was making me laugh at how fucking bizarre it was that the two comedian hosts had a comedian guest on who didn't attempt to say anything funny once and kept going into deep therapy type discussions. Like she actually thought she was a doctor and she had all the answers.


Give Me Some Money
The latest podcast episode description shows how fucking awful the show has become.

"Jay tries to find an old couple on a voyeur site."

If you could add up all the time Jay has wasted on the show doing shit like this, it would be near 10 hours if not more. There is not a single person that finds this entertaining. Nor is there anything funny that happens when they find it. Jay just wants to look at porn. Again.

"During his search, the gang discovers an adult webcam site with a "cam to cam" feature. This allows everyone to interact with diverse, nude couples in every room."

That sounds like a great bit for a video podcast. An awful bit for an audio-only show.

"Jay does a special dance to endear himself to his new friends."

That sounds like a good bit for a video podcast. An awful bit for an audio-only show.

"Justin shows his bum to try and arouse them and Bobby makes obscene hand gestures for fun!"

That sounds like a shitty bit for a video podcast. An awful bit for an audio-only show.

*To hear the full show and subscribe to SXM go to"

Why the fuck would I want to do that?

What the fuck has happened to this show? This is beyond bad.


don't call me scarface
Bobby has continued with his inane bullshit on The Bonfire. Recently he talked about how brutal Vos' barbecue was. Apparently they started by "trashing Norton's stupid shoes" before they moved onto him. I would've hated to be there, not sure I would have survived it.
Fuck sake man, I honestly spent 9 months looking for a nice Hawaiian shirt, now these snipers are going to assassinate my shoes? God, the cellar com's can be cruel.

If I was quick, I'd say "nice having a faggot son, stupid. he'll grow up and have a Korra avatar. Lipo-suction looks good too, when's your next tard due?"


Bobby is only funny when he’s taking a beating and is on the defensive. The problem with New York comics like him is they lack life experience. All they do is comedy. Every story he has that’s interesting is from when he was 14 years old. And he burned all the funny ones 20 years ago. So now he talks about the only thing he knows, his family.

Ironically, comedians like Bob are relevant today because they gave a giant middle finger to the industry in the early 2000s. But these guys age and realize they need to retire or want to make a legacy. So, they lose their edge. They don’t shit on people more famous than them, because they want something from those people. So even when they have a funny story or anecdote to share, they self censor.

The same thing happened with Jim. I don’t blame them for it either. They are in their late 50s and are trying to bank as much money as possible. They have something to lose now. Bob has his gay son and Jim has his Viking penis.