YouTube Faggots Hate Thread



Why did nobody mention this literal pants shitting retard faggot yet?




Get up here and shut up!
All the shit I watch on YouTube, and winds up getting recommended, is true crime docs, history, people turning wrenches on cars, people looking over various old electronics, horses and dogs farting, or people building shelters in the woods with basic tools. How are you guys finding this gay ass zoomer shite?


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
If you're a wrestling fag, you will hate to see that fat fuck Conrad Thompson being recommended. I don't care about asskiss Bruce Prichard's opinion on SummerSlam 1995.
I find those british wrestling channels even worse, WhatCulture, Cultaholic, Wrestletalk.

Bunch of smug soy boy sjw's fawning over half-naked men doing gymnastics.

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fat disgusting extremely whiny manchild. loves disney. (gay or pedo or both) can't maintain healthy relationship with women. (again gay or pedo or both) obsesses on his cats like old lady. hides severe baldness with baseball cap. allegedly affords all this shit grifting elderly retirees, acts out their fantasy of being the chubby 'loveable' grandchild they never had. has criminal past, all around piece of shit.


Formerly know as Fat Abbot
Anyone remember these faggots? The one on the left called the cops on some kid from Twitter for trolling him and the one on the right started a rumor that white supremacists were coming to attack Black Panther screenings.
