YouTube Faggots Hate Thread



Who remembers this faggot?



Randy Stair a literal youtube faggot who was obsessed with a kid’s cartoon show and thought he was a teenage ghost girl. He killed 3 innocent people in a supermarket before turning the gun on himself. Wild story.




Formerly know as Fat Abbot
Randy Stair a literal youtube faggot who was obsessed with a kid’s cartoon show and thought he was a teenage ghost girl. He killed 3 innocent people in a supermarket before turning the gun on himself. Wild story.

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I'm not sure if you were around in the Discord case, but when this shit went down we were talking about this faggot for like a week going through all his old videos. He's in the hall of fame for YouTube faggots for sure.


I'm not sure if you were around in the Discord case, but when this shit went down we were talking about this faggot for like a week going through all his old videos. He's in the hall of fame for YouTube faggots for sure.

No i wasn’t around back then.


Nice pointy beard, no talent faggot. Can't wait to hear about him getting killed in a SWATing.


Ricegum has the type of smug face I'd love to stomp on until it's unrecognizable.


The free pass this cocksucker gets for blatantly ripping off everything he's ever done is absolutely mind-numbing.

Where we at with the Beige Frequency?

Is Porsalin still a friend of da show?

I also hate how there's now 100 channels of "urban" youths listening and reacting to classic rock.

Anyone who puts "so and so sent me here" in the comments section is an irredeemable faggot.

Unboxing videos are consumerist wet dream garbage tier videos.
I used to like Beige's videos until he went and did like 10 in a row on MMA. He has decent insight, but who the fuck wants to listen to Wood Yi talk about mixed martial arts?