"Your avatar is Christina Ricci and you call white women fat and Chinese. That's your bit." - Dan Mullen



The funniest thing, I think, about the entire Patrick Saga is that he STILL insists that we are cyber terrorists. As in, a threat to NATIONAL SECURITY. Fucking cyber terrorists?

Dear FBI,

Take a look around this place. Do you really think we possess the attention span or maturity to be a threat to any fucking body? WE, yes these grown men pretending to be 90s actresses and dead wrestlers are the very same people Mr. Tomlinson has called cyber terrorists. You have been duped by a fat autistic liar from Wisconsin. Now, if you want to stay you have to show us your cock.

Good day sir.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
You guys give him too much credit, he's just a passive agressive little cunt, if he would just admit that and be honest about it i would respect him for it.
You might be right. I just have a hard time assuming someone who’s been a part of this board, for so long, has such a hard time with, quite frankly, light ribbing. I still like Dan, his responses have just been gay as fuck. I don’t think that’s unintentional. That’s just me though.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
The funniest thing, I think, about the entire Patrick Saga is that he STILL insists that we are cyber terrorists. As in, a threat to NATIONAL SECURITY. Fucking cyber terrorists?

Dear FBI,

Take a look around this place. Do you really think we possess the attention span or maturity to be a threat to any fucking body? WE, yes these grown men pretending to be 90s actresses and dead wrestlers are the very same people Mr. Tomlinson has called cyber terrorists. You have been duped by a fat autistic liar from Wisconsin. Now, if you want to stay you have to show us your cock.

Good day sir.
Don’t forget, Rick wasn’t the first. Joe accused us (I wasn’t posting at the time so I can’t claim to apart of that) of being cyber terrorists in the peoples court. Television. Rick still has a long way to go to beat Joe. He’s just currently on pace to dethrone Joe.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
You might be right. I just have a hard time assuming someone who’s been a part of this board, for so long, has such a hard time with, quite frankly, light ribbing. I still like Dan, his responses have just been gay as fuck. I don’t think that’s unintentional. That’s just me though.
I have noticed him being this way for a long time, he always has responded in these snipey cunty ways if he didn't like what you where saying.

If it truly is a bit he would be the greatest comic actor since Andy Kaufmann, but i doubt it.


Ricci has been giving me boners for a solid 2 decades. What a run she’s had as a prime piece of ass.


Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
I have noticed him being this way for a long time, he always has responded in these snipey cunty ways if he didn't like what you where saying.

If it truly is a bit he would be the greatest comic actor since Andy Kaufmann, but i doubt it.
Yeah, that’s a fair point. You need to remember though. He creates content and you don’t. You’re simply not on his level, child.

Riccardo Bosi

welcomes our new overlords
You might be right. I just have a hard time assuming someone who’s been a part of this board, for so long, has such a hard time with, quite frankly, light ribbing. I still like Dan, his responses have just been gay as fuck. I don’t think that’s unintentional. That’s just me though.
Dude, he actually does three hour podcasts and most of it is him rambling about nothing. He's serious a lot of the time. I mean, for fuck's sake, Opie Radio with Henley, Carl and Sherrod was more lighthearted and silly and Opie was actually making good money doing it.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
Dude, he actually does three hour podcasts and most of it is him rambling about nothing. He's serious a lot of the time. I mean, for fuck's sake, Opie Radio with Henley, Carl and Sherrod was more lighthearted and silly and Opie was actually making good money doing it.
I think he’s just drinking and talking with that. Sorry I’m not throwing out the idea that he’s playing into this for no reason. I honestly don’t enjoy the podcast that much. I think he’s a bad host. His tonal changes are gay as fuck. Johnny was right when he said they were just watching clips and not saying anything. Watch Legion of Skanks or any podcast that watches videos that’s good. They all can barely get through a 10 second clip because they’re making jokes. No one’s really “funny” on there. We’re all just better at shit posting. Live commentary not so much. It turns into people trying to make “intellectual” points about Rick or whatever the fuck. No one here is that smart. We’re here. I still tune in and make jokes. I try to support the board and whatever people are doing. It’s the same reason I go to every board and make comments. Trying to see things from all angles. Basically, a gay response and pat is fat. And gay.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
I feel bad talking behind his back. If @ChicopeeChip want’s to join in feel free to do so.
Like he and his ilk probably talk about us behind our backs on their secret forum, in DM's and on their stupid little circle jerk podcast, i don't feel sorry for him and his gestapo at all.

At least we talk on the public forum, he can join anytime he wants.

Riccardo Bosi

welcomes our new overlords
A country where fucking a hooker is as easy as ordering drive thru. You'd have to be actively anti sex to be a Dutch virgin after the age of 16 I'd imagine
The only place with less virgins than Thailand. :image_4764_m:

He doesn't even see us as members, we are untermenschen to him and his ilk.
It's an outrage is what it is. How many fucking memes have we collectively created, only for Dullen to claim he's one of the few "content creators"? lol it's the snake eating its own tail to survive, and it's fawkin hilarious.

No one’s really “funny” on there.
The only one who is is @covidcumia the rest are drips.