You ever realize how untalented Weird Al is?



Oh FUCK no....they took down the version with the string section.....FUCK

Where the FUCK is my string stection?


Smeckler's Powder

Sweet powder eases the pain
inspired me and my faggy friend to "write" parodies sniff
love the weird al

me too.

"Give me three steps towards the door" became "Give me three cakes and a tort"

"Hello child, we have a new computer. It is DOS. What would you like to do 7 year old in 1996?"

"I believe I will become the next Weird Al and type it all out on this here machine"

My version of a Bar Mitzva was having to choose between seeing Weird Al or Styx at the State Fair when I was 12(it was an hour away and I couldn't get my dad to drive me out twice). Turns out Weird Al was in town a day early and watched Styx too, so I sort of got to do both by making the right decision.