You ever realize how untalented Weird Al is?

Lectric Shock OJ doesnt get enough hate. Most shoehorned song ever.
Nobody calls the electric chair getting electric shocked, and even then they still had to chop off the E to make it work. Fuckin terrible.

They gonna lectric shock OJ.
It was obviously the first idea they came up with and, being the lazy slobs they are, Joe and Nana ran with it.


Listen to the worrrrrdsss...

I can't believe he does concerts. I'm sure he's a funny talented guy or whatever but I'm not going to listen to any of his songs at all, let alone go to a concert. I was exposed to White and Nerdy more than I care to think about. Erock is a huge fan (and obese) and that tells me all I really need to know about his audience.


The ONLY station that REALLY ROCKS!
He’s for kids. I saw him live when I was in the 6th grade and it was amazing. He would switch into different costumes between songs so fast. He even put in the whole fat Michael Jackson suit for “Fat”. Obviously if you are still listening to him as an adult you probably have special needs.


Reminder: Vincent D'Onofrio blocked Patrick
I think it was RLM that pointed it out but I'm sure others have as well. If you listen to his music you don't need to know anything about the song he is parodying as it stands on it's own and that's partially the reason why he is so successful all these years later. His music doesn't really age because even if you have no idea what the song is it really doesn't make it less enjoyable.
I didn't hear My Sharona until ~5 years after hearing My Bologna, had assumed it was an original song before that.

Even in 3rd grade, I remember wishing he would just hire someone else to sing though. The nasally voice gets old fast.