“Yeah, that’s exactly what we’re doing”


Ribbed for your pleasure
You're lying, and nobody is dumb enough to believe you do anything like a regular person. I see angry IT guys every day and watch them try to impress women, they sound just like you until an actual woman enters the room, then they wet their pants. But if it makes you feel better to pretend, it doesn't hurt anyone
You make assertions about me, which is fine. You are attempting to argue after all. I do notice that you aren't defending your wife and her lording over you like the lil suburban hubby you are.

@JebJoh, comment?


Ribbed for your pleasure
@JebJoh follow up question, what is your allowance and what kind of sports memorabilia/train set miniatures do you purchase with it?

Genuinely think you got a good head on your shoulders and think we could all learn to be a little more like you. No BS


You think I like emasculating you, @JebJoh?? I don't, because I feel like I'm doing Mrs. Jebjohs job for her and I dont get unlimited access to your bank account in exchange like she does.
You have no idea how real life works. Sad really. You better sit down for this one, my lonely, angry, outcast friend, you sound exactly like a Cumia we all know. And not the good cumia either.


You make assertions about me, which is fine. You are attempting to argue after all. I do notice that you aren't defending your wife and her lording over you like the lil suburban hubby you are.

@JebJoh, comment?
I know people, and I know you are some angry lonely IT guy who wants to impress someone, anyone really, but nobody even cares enough to tell you they know you're lying. I'm here for you. Tell us more about how you're banging bitches and living the cumia life. Aint it fun?


Ribbed for your pleasure
I will come clean about my IT gig and inceldom if you answer the questions about your wife, your allowance, how often you get bitched at per day and the last time you truly feel your wife was in the moment with you in bed and not thinking about some of her high school encounters.

Fair is fair, have a sense of decorum, sir.


I will come clean about my IT gig and inceldom if you answer the questions about your wife, your allowance, how often you get bitched at per day and the last time you truly feel your wife was in the moment with you in bed and not thinking about some of her high school encounters.

Fair is fair, have a sense of decorum, sir.
You've already come clean about those things, you couldn't be more obvious. Do you whine to your gaming buddies about how girls suck at 2AM or is that a later stage in the cumia confirmed bachelor life?


Ribbed for your pleasure
I simply cannot continue to take time away from your precious offspring if you are going to continue to evade our questions.

If you answer them I am willing to take a break from stomping your guts out verbally so you can rub your house frau's feet and listen to her talk about her oh so interesting day.


Ribbed for your pleasure
Also I would try to be a little more funny. I know your sense of humor has probably suffered with a post menopausal referee deciding what is or isn't funny.


Ribbed for your pleasure
I'm sorry, buddy. I didn't mean to beat you into one line response submissiveness. I know that's probably your existence so I apologize for most of what I said and hope that you get to decide what to watch on TV tonight.


I'm sorry, buddy. I didn't mean to beat you into one line response submissiveness. I know that's probably your existence so I apologize for most of what I said and hope that you get to decide what to watch on TV tonight.
I can see how important these wins are to you, so congratulations, you are the message board hero. I think I have an old medal around here that you can wear to work tomorrow


Ribbed for your pleasure
We both know if this was a duel I would be a little sweaty just from my output and that you would be disemboweled with your sons crying over your soft dad bod and shit covered linen trousers.

Your wife however would be excited that she no longer has to hide her trips out back to the slave shack.

As a Christian I cannot in good conscience continue beating a man who is obviously at least a little bit slow.

I bid you adieu, I have to go reconfigure the server room and then pick up some anime figurines.


We both know if this was a duel I would be a little sweaty just from my output and that you would be disemboweled with your sons crying over your soft dad bod and shit covered linen trousers.

Your wife however would be excited that she no longer has to hide her trips out back to the slave shack.

As a Christian I cannot in good conscience continue beating a man who is obviously at least a little bit slow.

I bid you adieu, I have to go reconfigure the server room and then pick up some anime figurines.
Lay off the geeky board games dude, you're never going to have a normal life this way.


There's feral honkies in the Smoky Mountains
Just chill, you are approaching the age where all the girls you knew in high school who want families will come sniffing around and give you a shot. I suggest you vet them and find one who makes tons of money. If you're going to have kids and a loveless marriage at least get a boat and some nice ski trips. If you wait 10 years you will have an abundance of recently divorced women ready to go, you can just raise her kids, again, hold out for one who makes money.
I just broke up with a lawyer because she was too crazy for ME to handle.