WWAWD stealing from the self-checkouts in grocery stores

Have you done it yet?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 23 63.9%
  • No, I'm scared of getting caught by a retard.

    Votes: 13 36.1%

  • Total voters

Smeckler's Powder

Sweet powder eases the pain
in the UK self-checkouts have an accurate weighing scale, the only way I could think-of would be to find something of identical weight, scan it but bag the similarly-weighed expensive item & discard the other, a bag of 4 cheap potatoes have a slightly higher +/- % accepted weight, not really worth it IMO. I do put a block of cheese in my pocket if I'm wearing a jacket but the self-checkouts are too accurate to mess about with.

At Albertsons and I'm assuming Vons if you scan it with the gun you don't have to put it on the scale thing. Home Depot, just leave it all in your cart, scan two things of caulking and not the portable air conditioner.



Didn’T LisTen
Years ago, we had a small chain of markets here in SoCal called Fresh & Easy that have since gone under. They were apparently owned by British company Tesco, so they had awesome British products like Colman’s mustard (best fucking mustard on the planet), HP sauce, pickled onions, malt vinegar, frozen meat pies, shit like that. Anyway, I convinced a girl from work I was trying to fuck, to come over on a Saturday night and hang out. I wanted to impress her, so I decided to make a cottage pie from scratch (it was winter), so a trip to Fresh & Easy was in order. I must’ve loaded up a cart with like 2 six packs of Guinness Extra Stout, sack of potatoes, onions, carrots, peas, couple trays of ground beef, butter, couple bottles of wine, shepard’s pie seasoning, greens to make a salad, bottle of scotch, and a few other small things. As I was scanning and bagging all my stuff, the door greeter was chatting my ear off commenting on what I was buying, offering cooking tips, wishing me luck on fucking this co-worker, etc. I finally walk outta there and as I’m loading everything into my trunk, I realize I never actually paid for anything. Shrugged it off with a smirk and proceeded to whip up the best god damn dinner salad and savory, decadent cottage pie ever. Alison comes over, we listen to Bowie, Chicago, Sade records. I drunkenly show her Wayne’s World clips (which still hold up with girls in their early 20’s, apparently) and clips of me playing big shows with the moderately successful band I was in in the mid 2000s, then finally bring her up to my room to fuck and spend the night. She was on the last day of her period, so there were light-pink droplets of blood all over my bedding the morning after, which I was fine with, despite her being mortified over.

I’d been wanting to fuck this beautiful girl for months, so I was just happy to get up in those guts. Awful head game, but had what I like to call “magic pussy” which is when some girls have a vagina that literally seems to be designed solely to extract cum from a cock. She even insisted I take nude pics of her to “stroke my wiener” to later. The next morning, I put my morning wood to use on her again, then took her to bottomless mimosa Mexican brunch (chilaquiles and chorizo/eggs) cus what the hey…I fucked this girl for completely free the night before. Anyway, this was a long winded post, but it was fun reliving this memory from 2015. And that’s my story of the one and only time I stole from a self checkout aisle. It was quite a score. Thank you for reading. God bless.


I told them to back off bcuz it wasnt their show
Crackhead i used to work w would do this every week at Walmart. They let him get away with it for weeks and weeks and saved all the footage and waited for it to be grand larceny. He got fucked. Another guy i worked w at my current job had a fucking great cushy job got fired for getting caught not scanning under $20 worth of shit. I used to steal from big stores all the time but its just not worth the risk these days.


I voted no but realize I never pay for public transport. Does that count as stealing?



I stumbled into the shop. I fit the profile of the average customer to a T. The salesman was working alone and was busy doing work in their office. I feigned interest in his recommendations as my eyes gazed upon my prize, greedily.

As quickly as I could, I heaved my girth over the glass counter carefully, and with my meaty fingers, clutched the object from its display. The employee none the wiser, I waddled out, oversized t and gym shorts rippling in the wind. The vape, and the day, were mine.

- Tales from the Edge of Space

Smeckler's Powder

Sweet powder eases the pain
Years ago, we had a small chain of markets here in SoCal called Fresh & Easy that have since gone under. They were apparently owned by British company Tesco, so they had awesome British products like Colman’s mustard (best fucking mustard on the planet), HP sauce, pickled onions, malt vinegar, frozen meat pies, shit like that. Anyway, I convinced a girl from work I was trying to fuck, to come over on a Saturday night and hang out. I wanted to impress her, so I decided to make a cottage pie from scratch (it was winter), so a trip to Fresh & Easy was in order. I must’ve loaded up a cart with like 2 six packs of Guinness Extra Stout, sack of potatoes, onions, carrots, peas, couple trays of ground beef, butter, couple bottles of wine, shepard’s pie seasoning, greens to make a salad, bottle of scotch, and a few other small things. As I was scanning and bagging all my stuff, the door greeter was chatting my ear off commenting on what I was buying, offering cooking tips, wishing me luck on fucking this co-worker, etc. I finally walk outta there and as I’m loading everything into my trunk, I realize I never actually paid for anything. Shrugged it off with a smirk and proceeded to whip up the best god damn dinner salad and savory, decadent cottage pie ever. Alison comes over, we listen to Bowie, Chicago, Sade records. I drunkenly show her Wayne’s World clips (which still hold up with girls in their early 20’s, apparently) and clips of me playing big shows with the moderately successful band I was in in the mid 2000s, then finally bring her up to my room to fuck and spend the night. She was on the last day of her period, so there were light-pink droplets of blood all over my bedding the morning after, which I was fine with, despite her being mortified over.

I’d been wanting to fuck this beautiful girl for months, so I was just happy to get up in those guts. Awful head game, but had what I like to call “magic pussy” which is when some girls have a vagina that literally seems to be designed solely to extract cum from a cock. She even insisted I take nude pics of her to “stroke my wiener” to later. The next morning, I put my morning wood to use on her again, then took her to bottomless mimosa Mexican brunch (chilaquiles and chorizo/eggs) cus what the hey…I fucked this girl for completely free the night before. Anyway, this was a long winded post, but it was fun reliving this memory from 2015. And that’s my story of the one and only time I stole from a self checkout aisle. It was quite a score. Thank you for reading. God bless.

We had Fresh and Easy in Vegas too, bunch of them. When they were closing down I went in there and bought a shitload of stuff on crazy sale. Don't think ours had self checkout.

What band were you in?


And a scumbag if you haven't outgrown it by 20. Grow up and pay for your shit.
People like you are the worst
Walmart and co just spent the last two years driving mom and pops out of business with covid and you want me to pay for overpriced chinese garbage to “uphold the moral fabric of society”?

Pro tip (teehee):
Load up with the most expensive organic fruit and put it in self checkout as the generic store fruit.
That’s all i got

Uncle Ruckus

Daniel Mullen from insightsoftware is a pedophile
I don't steal from stores out of principle but one time we were drunk and bar hopping and one bar had a table outside with a guy collecting the cover charge and he just put all the cash in a pile. I waited till he was talking and told my buddies watch this and I took a big handful of $5s. I guess that counts.

I also pirate everything but I think most of us here do that too


Security profiled you over surveillance, and you looked like trouble/not worth risking detaining. (Former loss prevention officer).

I'd advise against returning there for at least 6 months.
This. SCO is ridiculously well monitored. Some places have AI to flag "likely" stealing happening. Somebody on Reddit used to routinely not scan small items through there, and was detained by LP after doing it a few times. Said person got up and walked out of the room and no one chased him and there were no cops, but he never went to that establishment again.

Btw got any interesting LP stories?

PROTIP: Fill a Big Gulp at 7/11 with nacho cheese/chili or pizza or literally anything you want. Those go for like $2.50
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