WWAW with Demented World? Children


❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
I think the "fair game" aspect with that is due to the fact that shows like Tradio were soliciting calls. I wouldn't be surprised if that's fake though

There’s dozens of hours of prank call compilations to Mike Franseca and have of them are caught on video. Sal and Richard are at least edited due to the fact that I doubt they would get three to four calls in a row. On the other hand, what kind of a loser calls into random public access shows to not fuck with them?

Chive Turkey

Erock Army Deserter
You’re right… he totally “gets” this whole “internet thing”.

Jury’s still out on whether he’s a fed assigned to the Patrick case or just a maladjusted sped
Well, that was Weird News! Time for our new segment called... FED or SPED! Is @BrotherMan1488 an infiltrator or an imbecile? You're gonna need all your intelligence for this one heheh knowwhatimean. :pfg_sm: