WWAW so much love to give


12 paramedics couldnt save ur fuckin life boy
Life's too short too be hateful to each other. we needs to stand together. Jenna is beautiful and the Alliance girls are beautiful too. Peace.

Swipe right on them Dutch girls. Tinder, bumble, hinge, do you have em?


What is there to do really? We all end up being nuffin in the end. Just enjoy the pleasures that make you feel well enough til you wait to get your turn to do the never ending nuffin.

Thanks. I guess that’s kind of comforting. It means all we have is the moment. I just hope we all aren’t to hard on ourselves. Just live from day to day. Eventually we all will be dust in the wind.


Say “Cookie”

ShutYourCakehorn/gassers Alt
Wtf am i doing with my life?
Thanks. I guess that’s kind of comforting. It means all we have is the moment. I just hope we all aren’t to hard on ourselves. Just live from day to day. Eventually we all will be dust in the wind.

Just remember that no matter who you are you will be forgotten with time. It’s best to make yourself happy during your life and to be a good person in general. Hell, I spend at least one day a week doing volunteer work with disabled people because it’s important to me to do something positive in my local community. I’m a pessimistic person by nature, but I realized that if you help others and are doing it for the right reasons the positivity that you create always comes back to you. I realize that I sound like a faggot, but a positive mental attitude will attract others as a negative outlook generally repels. You’re a great guy, you got this.



Thanks. I guess that’s kind of comforting. It means all we have is the moment. I just hope we all aren’t to hard on ourselves. Just live from day to day. Eventually we all will be dust in the wind.

Yeah, don't live in your thoughts. I hate when i catch myself arguing with myself over stupid shit. Whether it be issues with the wife or the crap at work, I hate when i just don't let the shit go.

My stupid uneducated mehican brain will set up all this different scenarios and I'm arguing with whatever fucker I'm mad at. In the end, my cunt brain always sets me up to win along with a dopamine hit (jus a lil' taste) to make me feel "good"???