WWAW hot dogs

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
I haven’t had a corn dog in years and it wasn’t something my parents really fed my sister and I as kids. Definitely were a rare treat. Now I’m craving one fawk.
There used to be a corn dog joint in Woodbridge Mall (NJ) when I was a kid. Whenever we'd go we'd enter next to and leave by it. Never ONCE did my mother let me get one. Corn dogs became this mysterious food that I'd only heard of in cartoons, but never had. Took me more than 40 years to have one. Delicious.

My mom really motherfucked me.

Petworth dude

Owner declined entry
I was pretty indifferent to hot dogs growing up. To me, it was just a boring picnic food. Things changed when I went off to college in the DC area and was introduced to the half-smoke. It's a half-pork and half-beef sausage with a nice smokey finish - top it off with some chili sauce and onions or sauerkraut, and you've got a pretty tasty and economical meal.

I should note that I only get half-smokes at neighborhood bars in white, gentrifying neighborhoods. I've never been to Ben's Chili Bowl - that place always came across as a greasy tourist trap. The only reason I see to go to the one on U Street is that you sometimes get to see black girls fight.


There used to be a corn dog joint in Woodbridge Mall (NJ) when I was a kid. Whenever we'd go we'd enter next to and leave by it. Never ONCE did my mother let me get one. Corn dogs became this mysterious food that I'd only heard of in cartoons, but never had. Took me more than 40 years to have one. Delicious.

My mom really motherfucked me.
Your mom sounds like a real stick in the mud.