Who is your least favorite actor?


Stand Alone Fruit
Never thought about it but, yeah, fuck Richard Dreyfuss.
I’ve heard he’s a real dick. Might explain why his roles dried up, people didn’t want to deal with him. Now they say he’s broke and has to do the autograph convention circuit.

I’ve even heard stories of him being a dick to the fans at conventions, like he will get angry and refuse to sign anything from “What About Bob?” Because he still really hates Bill Murray 30 years after making that movie, Who hates Bill Murray THAT much?
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"AnTi-swaTTing laws"
Robert Downey Jr.

The nerds got a hard on for this guy after Iron Man 1.

And while it's an ok movie, he became a God to them and now that's all he plays, even in real life.

If he hadn't straightened up, he would be sucking dick for coke on a street corner. And while I'm happy an addict actually made it out of the hole for once, regain some humility, dude. You were only a decent Sherlock.

And Fuck him for Doolittle.
He was great in Tropic Thunder.


don't call me scarface
Brad Pitt. One of the most overrated "actors" alive.

He can't do accents, can't properly emote, and always has a dumb expression in his eyes like he's waiting for the other actor to finish what they're saying so he can recite his words. And his angry scenes are not convincing.

The ONLY role I thought he was good in was "Burn After Reading" because he was free to show his natural stupidity and have fun with it.

Plus, he's not even that good looking. He has flared, donkey nostrils. Hard pass!
i recently watched inglorious bastards for the first time and he is fucking awful in it, de caprio's another one who can't do accents


Di Caprio is massively overrated. He's not a bad actor but he's not a very good one. When he was young he did some interesting roles (This Boy's Life, Basketball Diaries, the one where he played the retard) but he owes his success to River Phoenix killing himself with drugs. Phoenix was supposedly the first choice for Titanic but then fucked himself and so Leo got the part and the rest is history.

I really can never buy him when he's supposed to be a tough guy (The Departed) because he looks 100% like a guy who would run away from any physical conflict. The Revenant was filmed beautifully but Hardy stole every scene he was in. Di Caprio was boring in it. Funnily enough the best role he's had recently was in Once Upon A Time in Hollywood playing an alcoholic has-been.