White wahmen hate thread


Gen Z Boss And A Mini
It's not just her fans, it's the media all together.

She's 32 years old and you'd think she's still 22 with all the excitement they get about her having a new boyfriend.

Celebrity worship is one of those things that really does anger me. That cunt in the image above coming up with some equation deserves to be set on fire.
Her boyfriend is some spokesman for Pfizer. I bet it's not even a real courtship. Just PR.



Stand Alone Fruit
The only joy in my life the past two days has been the mental image of a swarthy fist rocketing into her infuriating face at 180 MPH.

If you want to know why our country is a shithole, look no further than the insane, obsessed retards who act like boy crazy 16 year olds well into their thirties. They voted us into this.
I know it sounds crazy but she really ruined a whole generation of women. Her being a bratty immature woman behaving like a teenager into her 30s is celebrated and praised.

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.