What's your favorite podcast





Shane Noakes' rabbi raped his 9 year old dick off.
I like TDS more. Tried to give HH a chance, but all their voices annoyed the shit out of me.
Larry Ridgeway imgo is the funniest on the whole network.

NJP is soliciting paycucks. Pretty faggoty. $500/month for Mike Jewnog to rip off Tranthony ripping off Dice Gay?

These are not serious people and are low-stock grifters. Jewnog, Guitar Beavis, and Racist Medic. Jewnog just learned to drive, guessing none of the three have a degree. Its Opie and two dopies that say nigger.



I used to listen to Kirk Minihanes show but he started to just never talk about anything interesting and if he did he was so on the fence “its a tough one man” about it. I think he hides his truer opinions for the sake of not getting public blowback.

I dont know why i recommended a show i dont listen to or enjoy, im sorry.


Give Me Some Money
Tell 'Em Steve-Dave.

It's been my favourite pod for over ten years now. Q from Impractical Jokers is on it, like a year into the pod he talks about preparing to shoot he IJ pilot, he's the worst part of it but I'm always surprised that no one has used it to try to cancel him with shit like tranny tricked and the ching chong song.
Walt on it is genuinely one of the most entertaining guys ever.



Gen Z Boss And A Mini
Larry Ridgeway imgo is the funniest on the whole network.

NJP is soliciting paycucks. Pretty faggoty. $500/month for Mike Jewnog to rip off Tranthony ripping off Dice Gay?

These are not serious people and are low-stock grifters. Jewnog, Guitar Beavis, and Racist Medic. Jewnog just learned to drive, guessing none of the three have a degree. Its Opie and two dopies that say nigger.

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I listened to Monday's TDS and Mike compared the Ethan Liming and Jupiter Paulsen family responses to their protests.

Ethan Liming's father was all: "We are not hateful. We are a diverse family."

Jupiter Paulsen's father was all: "I'll take their support."

In Liming's case, all three "teens" are on probation and are charged with involuntary manslaughter.

If Mike is to be believed, the judge has now dropped the second "psychiatric evaluation" on Paulsen's alleged murderer because TPTB do not want the Paulsen case to grow in noteriety. Mike said, "While we didn't get federal hate crime charges, we did get half of our demands."

So it's a tough one, man. I think NJP is doing mostly good work and to start what they are doing in this environment is very hard. But when you get past their literature and you see N-towers on their show's comments, most normies won't take them seriously.


I have a face like a shovel
I hate professional wrestling

I FAWKING hate pro wrestling pod casts

I mother FAWKING HATE conrad thompson ( I know, I know- someone on the internet hates conrad- do tell)

All that aside- "foley is pod" isn't that bad

Ironically, my favorite wrestler of all time (Lord Steven Regal) has a podcast, however I can't bring myself to listen to it because he has a terrible cohost.

Shit- since I'm in podcast rant mode- I wish Sean Oliver would do a solo podcast...I don't hate his podcast with Nash but even though they want to be the wrestling podcast that doesn't talk about wrestling, all they're doing is talking about all the shit that's been done to fucking death....it's like they'll eventually do a "Montreal" show....yech