What's up with cumtown org?

On this site, you're either a Ricci or a Lawless.

Though you are allowed to prefer Buffalo 66 Ricci over Lucy Lawless over Black Snake Moan Ricci but that's just obvious.


On this site, you're either a Ricci or a Lawless.

Though you are allowed to prefer Buffalo 66 Ricci over Lucy Lawless over Black Snake Moan Ricci but that's just obvious.
We’re multitask here, sir [MEDIA=gfycat]height=720;id=EquatorialSelfassuredJenny;width=1280[/MEDIA]


I had to read his statement again because it was so detached from reality.

He really saw himself as a popular little e-celeb. The majority of the users have been posting cartoons of him literally eating human feces, and they mocked him for his blathering russian novel length blogposts that stunk of someone who just found their first Thesaurus and need to prove how smrat they are.

He so pathetically tried to make it sound like he was "above" the users, when in fact he was probably the unfunniest, and all his attempts at joining the fun reeked of annoying little brother tagging along. He would sticky threads about himself that weren't even funny, and sticky random dumb shit to pander to the users.

Prime example of what happens when an unpopular nerd gains authority. He took his time in the limelight to heart, and actually thought he was popular. The same 10 people on the site kissed his ass, and it convinced him he was well liked. When in fact he was an eyesore that you had to tolerate, at best.

Also he was provax. Lmao


I had to read his statement again because it was so detached from reality.

He really saw himself as a popular little e-celeb. The majority of the users have been posting cartoons of him literally eating human feces, and they mocked him for his blathering russian novel length blogposts that stunk of someone who just found their first Thesaurus and need to prove how smrat they are.

He so pathetically tried to make it sound like he was "above" the users, when in fact he was probably the unfunniest, and all his attempts at joining the fun reeked of annoying little brother tagging along. He would sticky threads about himself that weren't even funny, and sticky random dumb shit to pander to the users.

Prime example of what happens when an unpopular nerd gains authority. He took his time in the limelight to heart, and actually thought he was popular. The same 10 people on the site kissed his ass, and it convinced him he was well liked. When in fact he was an eyesore that you had to tolerate, at best.

Also he was provax. Lmao
I always downvoted his gay threads.