What's up with cumtown org?

Every once in a while marf takes too much adderall and throws a temper tantrum. Before it went down he changed all the posts and comments to be the same thing (I wish I would have screenshotted this for archival sake). Said something abouthow the board existing depressed him even when he wasn't regularly checking it. I think he may have nuked it.
My account was deleted. Right before I got logged off all the comments and post titles were changed to say the same thing.

Did the janny finally call it quits?
He posted a final manic episode and said that unless someone pays him BTC for the site, then he’s getting rid of it forever. He also expressed his hatred for Muslims one final time.

I feel bad for him. He’s been getting worse lately.


buck breaker supreme
He posted a final manic episode and said that unless someone pays him BTC for the site, then he’s getting rid of it forever. He also expressed his hatred for Muslims one final time.

I feel bad for him. He’s been getting worse lately.
what a bitch. my favorite thing about the site was all the doo doo post at his expense. He never posted anything funny and would just argue all the time. Should've just handed the it off to someone else if it was fucking with him.

Seems like cumtown.in is the substitute.

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