They should all be forced to wear jester hats and have rotten fruit thrown at the to remind them of their place.All comedians since the beginning have been spiteful jealous little dickheads. It’s more prevalent now than ever before due to social media, LA comedy being the place to be, and people just generally being faggier. It’s classic faggot jealousy. George Carlin thought of himself as a philosopher and not just a comedian. Then Dice comes along who isn’t deluded about what he is, he’s just a hack comic, and becomes super big. People like Carlin can’t handle that the mainstream doesn’t want to think and they just want to laugh. They feel they’re owed dues for being “smarter” and “more poignant” than others. A good modern example of this is like every comedian vs Dane Cook. Dane Cook is so fucking unfunny but he’s what the mainstream wanted, and faggot intellectual comedians like Louis hated him because they felt he was too simple minded to be a comic or even enjoyed.