They're evacuating Kiev in preparation for Russian Nuclear attacks


The gunslinger.
Some people just don't have any faith in this country. The "economy" will be fine. Everything always waxes and wanes in cycles.

The total unsecured liabilities in the country is about 200 trillion dollars.

One trillion seconds is 33,000 years.

You would need to to time travel 100k years and deposit a million dollars a day to begin to cover it.

If you think that economy will be fine indefinitely and we can keep printing trillions every few months and raising the debt ceiling (the “official” debt of only 30 trillion) every year - I have some magic beans to sell you.

We are a consumerist economy that produces nothing and is essentially a trophy wife spending on the credit card every day.
The total unsecured liabilities in the country is about 200 trillion dollars.

One trillion seconds is 33,000 years.

You would need to to time travel 100k years and deposit a million dollars a day to begin to cover it.

If you think that economy will be fine indefinitely and we can keep printing trillions every few months and raising the debt ceiling (the “official” debt of only 30 trillion) every year - I have some magic beans to sell you.

We are a consumerist economy that produces nothing and is essentially a trophy wife spending on the credit card every day.
It'll be fine. We'll all be long, long dead before it all falls apart.


The gunslinger.
It'll be fine. We'll all be long, long dead before it all falls apart.

Maybe, but do you wanna be a boomer who doesn’t care what happens to the future generations as long as you’re okay at their expense?

I don’t.

It’s too late anyway, I guess.