They're evacuating Kiev in preparation for Russian Nuclear attacks


#1 Poster
This is the edgiest, most tryhard board on the internet. Such a concentration of worthless idiots.

"Wahh I wish I was dead because Jews"



Why would Putin nuke ukraine? The infrastructure lost alone, would make the war worthless. I wonder if the west is just hyping up bullshit in order to garner more support. I doubt they’d ever do that.
I would assume for the same reason we nuked Japan, to make them surrender. But doesn’t Ukraine have its own nukes?


Seems far fetched. They didn’t hide any of that Soviet stuff before it all broke up?
I pray that you're joking...?

They've developed heaps of bio and chemical weapons over the past few years in conjunction with the US for this exact scenario.


I pray that you're joking...?

They've developed heaps of bio and chemical weapons over the past few years in conjunction with the US for this exact scenario.
No I’m not up on my Ukrainian history. I would have thought the USSR may have had some trouble keeping track of all that shit and maybe they set some aside for themselves. But what do I know. Doesn’t Israel also say they don’t have any?

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
I would assume for the same reason we nuked Japan, to make them surrender. But doesn’t Ukraine have its own nukes?
The world has advanced a lot more since WW2. These are also completely different scenarios. The logistics of invading the tojos was almost impossible. The amount of infrastructure lost and people lost would not be worth it for Putin. No “renegade mad man” is in charge of anything. Putin isn’t going to potentially risk the world ending (unlikely), the remaining chance of economic trade with non communist countries, and his own image for the Ukraine. Our nukes are also a little different now. Kiev wouldn’t be able to just rebuild within 20 years like the japs did. He would destroy (I’m assuming, I could not care less) the biggest city there. Then what’s the fucking point?


The world has advanced a lot more since WW2. These are also completely different scenarios. The logistics of invading the tojos was almost impossible. The amount of infrastructure lost and people lost would not be worth it for Putin. No “renegade mad man” is in charge of anything. Putin isn’t going to potentially risk the world ending (unlikely), the remaining chance of economic trade with non communist countries, and his own image for the Ukraine. Our nukes are also a little different now. Kiev wouldn’t be able to just rebuild within 20 years like the japs did. He would destroy (I’m assuming, I could not care less) the biggest city there. Then what’s the fucking point?
I’m not saying it’s a good idea I’m just saying if he did it that would probably be why.