@The Torquie de Lard


Nighs Wonger, Stupid
finna cope
finna seethe

Do you use that slang to groom little boys?



fuck jews
lol nigga you gay

Like I said, in retrospect he should've fought the case head on (headstrawng) but he made the wrong choice. You don't make the leap of logic from that to "well he definitely molested kids then". A bunch of kids who claimed he did it later recanted, which is an odd move for an alleged victim.

You're still butthurt that I accurately depicted you as a pedophile for thinking that Jenna is sexy when she looks like butthole eyes but 13 years old. This is why, much like a Jew, you're going after Michael Jackson. You're worse than Hitler if he was Jewish, which he was.

Sir this is a callback to when I called Anthony Cumia and told him Ryan Gosling is good looking