The most annoying fuck in the world

The Talking Dead

I'm close to death! Hahahaha hooooooly shit!!

Don't even try to suggest somebody is more annoying than this cunt because they don't exist.

Thank you and God bless.


Dougie's Hapa Daughter

Look Daddy! I'm on TV!
Hot take - I like him. The people who hate him and demonize him are the people who don't understand why someone would dedicate their life to charity. They hate him because the concept of giving is alien to them unless its done out of tradition.
Hey, he's a good guy, he does everything for charity, he told me that himself! Oy, how generous he is, how lucky you all are that he makes endless amounts of money for himself making the most mind-numbing, brainrot clickbait for children! You should be grateful for such a kind and wonderful benefactor!

Bill Gates founded the world's second biggest charity by assets: does that make him a good person, or Microsoft a good company? No, they do it because of retards like you who use it to absolve them of all the other bullshit "but it's for charity!!!!"


The gunslinger.
It’s probably not hard to be charitable when your 100 million dollar brand is based on giving away.

It’s hard to hate him because he seems like a normal dude and even though he’s making millions and feeding his insatiable narcissism he’s still doing good things for people that need it.

Dougie's Hapa Daughter

Look Daddy! I'm on TV!
Stopped at a gas station to buy beer about a month ago and a little girl said to her dad, “oh look they have Mr. Beast Bars!” He responded with, “I don’t know what that means.”
But don't all charities directly invest in products that pander to children, and make content around their wealth and "giveaways" because idiotic kids think that watching and commenting on his videos increase the chance the Mr. Beast give them money, rather than just give him more engagement?

How could you doubt the charity of this man?



❤️bonnie bonnie bonnie❤️
But don't all charities directly invest in products that pander to children, and make content around their wealth and "giveaways" because idiotic kids think that watching and commenting on his videos increase the chance the Mr. Beast give them money, rather than just give him more engagement?

How could you doubt the charity of this man?

That looks very creepy. I know who he is but I don’t know much about him.