The food of Hooligans


Greasy pig slop for fat gross pigs. If milwaukee wasn't a shithole still riding it's 1920s highs down to the shitter and beneath, there would be somebody with the authority to condemn this trough for obese farm animals. Pat probably gets his water the same color as flint michigan's.

If China were to Hiroshima every failing city in the midwest we'd be much better off.
Edit: Actually make that every city.
Don't forget that Hooligans serves the disturbingly-named Boy Burger, which sounds absolutely disgusting. Who wants a cold slice of American cheese, flavorless iceberg lettuce, and nasty ass thousand island dressing on their burger? The only people who would order something so disgusting are the pedophiles who order it as a code so they can obtain access to the rape dungeon located in Hooligans' basement.


Am I onto something here? I can say with 100% certainty that yes, I am.


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
What fails first, his heart or his liver?
His writing career, his stint as a comedian, his attempt at being a husband (x2), his attempt at fatherhood, his ability to maintain his blue checkmark on Twitter, his attempts at being a pundit, his attempts at being well known or famous for anything, his attempt to successfully unmask and sue 60 John Does, THEN his liver, THEN his heart.


Had a nice Sunday dinner tonight. The wife roasted a chicken. Roast carrots and parsnips, mashed potatoes, sautéed spinach, lovely gravy. The kids enjoyed it too. I chuckled later, thinking of Fat eating this shit while Annabelle will doubtless enjoy a wholesome family supper like my own. Hi Pig. Your life sucks! $124,000.