The Church of Missy


Joe's Filipino Supervisor
see we all be joining Missy for Mass come sunday, she has said go to mass many times on her twitter, and we are just following her word.

(some christian parent is gonna have to explain what cunt means said over and over in the live chat by Connor Peterson)
I sure hope Nick Gerlips doesn't cause a ruckus
Damn I can't wait for Sunday. I love when something like this happens that unites us.
I've mentioned before that I listen to WATP ( at least I don't listen to CP media) and she was on recently and she was a yappy hole! It was so annoying I was screaming at my radio for her to shut up. When it was time for her to leave, Karl asked her to plug her twitter and she said something like no I don't want to promote that. I can get aggressive on it.
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Anthony's Lime Rickey

Anthony Cumia is a Pedophile

oh cunt, the devil will be reminding you Sunday hard