The boys are back in town.


My buddy had two of them in his room in high school. He'd let them out of the cage when he was home and the one time the female just randomly flew head-first into the window above me and landed in the hood of my sweater and started freaking out. Then the male got pissed and flew over and started biting my head and beating me with it's wings. I haven't really been a fan of birds in the house since then. The poor fucker probably tried to fly out the window because we were always in there smoking weed. My other buddy had a lovebird that they'd let fly around and it'd whiz past right close to people's heads. I was always afraid that I'd like instinctively swat it and hurt it.

I'm extremely glad Craig and the niggas are okay. You deserve them, you benevolent son of a bitch.
Oh man that sounds about right. Birds pretty much mate for life and are extremely defensive of their mate


The Backbone of America
I have a bunch of crows that live in the tree right by my bedroom window. I just found the second one dead under the tree in three weeks. I hope one of the neighbours isn't poisoning them or they don't have an illness or something. I just buried it. It was a pretty beautiful bird.


I have a bunch of crows that live in the tree right by my bedroom window. I just found the second one dead under the tree in three weeks. I hope one of the neighbours isn't poisoning them or they don't have an illness or something. I just buried it. It was a pretty beautiful bird.
They have rituals when one of them die. Similar to these magpies

Fawkin breaks my cold heart.