The boys are back in town.

Slackjawed Cow

I laugh at them because they're all the same.


I'm about to bring these niggas some steak gristle and berries from my fridge that are gonna go bad.

They're gonna jump me into the gang. Wish me luck.
How'd they like the steak? You're getting me all excited for winter suet time. Last year we attracted a whole host of birds in our city back yard; flickers, house finches, all kinds of warblers, chickadees, etc.


How'd they like the steak? You're getting me all excited for winter suet time. Last year we attracted a whole host of birds in our city back yard; flickers, house finches, all kinds of warblers, chickadees, etc.
They ate the berries immediately but flew off with the gristle each time they got it, probably to cache it. It was funny seeing them walking around waiting for more, reminds me of a bunch of kids looking for candy. Craig didn't take from my hand at all. I think he's comfortable talking peanuts because they're longer and easier to take. Either way they welcomed me with open wings as usual. I think I'm the only person who feeds them.


The Backbone of America
They are the cutest and can be super affectionate.

When it comes to pet birds, I love cockatiels. They get super attached to their owners and know how to call them to get their attention with specific chirps. They even seem to know how to change the pitch in their chirp to make it sound like a question. It's pretty neat.
My buddy had two of them in his room in high school. He'd let them out of the cage when he was home and the one time the female just randomly flew head-first into the window above me and landed in the hood of my sweater and started freaking out. Then the male got pissed and flew over and started biting my head and beating me with it's wings. I haven't really been a fan of birds in the house since then. The poor fucker probably tried to fly out the window because we were always in there smoking weed. My other buddy had a lovebird that they'd let fly around and it'd whiz past right close to people's heads. I was always afraid that I'd like instinctively swat it and hurt it.

I'm extremely glad Craig and the niggas are okay. You deserve them, you benevolent son of a bitch.


The Backbone of America
I used to give bacon rinds to the magpies who came to my back porch, and on hot days I'd turn on the sprinkler for them and they'd have a bath.

Some birds are total faggots though. We have a type that's not indigenous (I don't think) to Australia called minor birds, and they swoop people in Spring. Over the years, I've hit two with my car and both times went "got him!". Dickheads.
There's not many animals that I really dislike, but I hate starlings and have shot like a thousand of them. They're destructive fucking annoying pricks.


There's not many animals that I really dislike, but I hate starlings and have shot like a thousand of them. They're destructive fucking annoying pricks.
Good. They're invasive species like house sparrows. Kill them all. Mind the house finches and song sparrows though! They're native to north america.

Edit: The European Starling and the house sparrow were brought over by the same douche: