Thanks for all the laughs guys.

My Father died last year, yet he wasn't just my Dad, he was my best friend.... The kind of person you could talk to about the dumbest shit, yet he would listen with full attention... He died August 5th, 2021, born 1946, former Marine, served in Vietnam....anything, even if it was stupid, he'd hear me out, he'd listen and engage me....

Now I have no one....I know it sounds gay, but it hurts so bad to have no one to listen to your thoughts...

It hurts worse than any death I can imagine.... He was my Best Friend, now all I have are people far below my intellectual capacity...

I pray none of you know what loneliness is.... It is truly worse than anything you could imagine....
since we're being faggots, have mine: about 4yrs ago I lost my father-figure / best friend, he was old but the age-gap didn't matter & although we were business partners he gave me the stability my parents never could, so much so that I gave-up my London (those streets are paved with gold) ambitions & came back to the fens to help with his property business, while running my own businesses at the same time.
I also lost the original Mrs__Pot (fiancee) around 10yrs ago. (Nooo! she's dead!!!)

There's other shit I don't feel like sharing... anyway, chin-up bucko!

I'm not gonna help with suicide advice, but if you've got other drug questions then you can DM... others seem to.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
R.I.P. brotherman, gone but not forgotten.



I told them to back off bcuz it wasnt their show
Please dont do it HRC. We dont have many of us left. And youre a good egg. Or if you ARE going to do it, dont do anything stupid like take 60 tylenol that will slowly poisen you for 4 weeks while you writhe in more pain agony. There are better drugs that will do it MUCH faster.
I only ever found it useful when I was in opiate or benzo withdrawals. That being said I know some people really liked getting high on Lyrica. Gabapentin made me feel “good” occasionally but it was absolutely nothing like a more traditional recreational drug.
I tried this shit once and it felt exactly how I feel as soon as I wake up in the morning. And I HATE that feeling. I mean like that first instant when your eyes open and you realize you're not asleep anymore. It's just not for me.


FAAAAWK, did he really do it? I really liked the fella. May he have access to infinite tranny dick in heaven.


Whispers of Greatness
I’m just seein this. I’m glad you’re not gone (though you haven’t posted in a while so maybe you are). You’re one of the good ones.


And YOU have NEVER cut me 1 ounce of SLACK...


I told them to back off bcuz it wasnt their show
Ive thought about. I think about it all the time. But ive never got to the point Ive put the bullets in the gun. Plus I promised my mom i wouldnt kill myself w my fathers gun so id have to go out and get a new one and after all that then id get distracted on the way out the door because have a 1 yr old thats painted the bathtub with diarrhea that needs immediate attention.
My Father died last year, yet he wasn't just my Dad, he was my best friend.... The kind of person you could talk to about the dumbest shit, yet he would listen with full attention... He died August 5th, 2021, born 1946, former Marine, served in Vietnam....anything, even if it was stupid, he'd hear me out, he'd listen and engage me....

Now I have no one....I know it sounds gay, but it hurts so bad to have no one to listen to your thoughts...

It hurts worse than any death I can imagine.... He was my Best Friend, now all I have are people far below my intellectual capacity...

I pray none of you know what loneliness is.... It is truly worse than anything you could imagine....
I'll join in on the gayness ..
I'm sure the Marine watching down on you would want you to grieve for the appropriate amount of time then Soldier up and live your life. Think of it like you are now living out life for your dad because he can't. Suicide is for pussies