Talentless whore makes unsubstantiated claims about dead comedian

Jim Norton’s Wife's Cock

Those breeches will stay open!
Jenny Yang.
Kerri Lendo.

Anymore jumping on the bandwagon? I’m fawken all in with corrrrrrecting these cunts.



Stand Alone Fruit
Wait, in the age of #MeToo (Before it died thanks to former NY Gov Cuomo) you’re telling me tons of comedy females nobody knows all were victims of sexual assault from famous comedian Norm MacDonald? These cunts are why people hate female comedians. Norm was a gentleman and these whores just want to try and slander him since he’s dead and CANT sue. Norm predicted how the #metoo movement would die since it was overreactions to unverified claims.


Stand Alone Fruit
"but please let us tell an accurate history of his legacy:"

How about fucking no, you gook. Like she is going to give a factual, non-biased take on Norm's legacy. Why not spill your lies out while he is alive? Who the fuck does this cunt thinks she is? Women have absolutely no place in comedy or anywhere that is not a kitchen or bedroom.
This stupid cunt just says many claims with zero sources. Norm didn’t even have a drivers license and spent his time off the road at home. He was so private his own close comedian friends didn’t know he had cancer for a decade. This whore is another unfunny cunt trying to get attention over someone else. Twitter should be treated as the home of mentally ill losers since that’s all it is and ever will be.

Racist Google Intern

I'm not really racist, my best friend is black


It's not REALLY Ray Wilson
This is what you see from unfunny comics toiling in obscurity. They have 2 paths ahead of them -

1) Put in the time and hard work. Hit the road, listen to reactions, and discern what works and what doesn't. Discern what sort of material is getting the strongest reactions, determine what the commonalities are, and begin working more in that direction. It's about what your audience finds funny, not what you find funny personally.

2) Simply try and make a name for yourself by attacking a far more well known, established name ( alternatively known as the Simons Strategy ). Bonus points if you can do it in a manner which portrays you as a victim.

Granted, #2 has never worked out for anyone ever, but HEY! You might be the one to turn things around.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
Of course, she has to mention how courageous she was about it. I doubt any male has ever dropped a load in this bitch. She thinks the men around her are just such gentleman they want to wear a condom. This is how you know Norm is the greatest ever. I read all of those quotes in his voice and laughed. You have no voice you stupid cunt. This why everyone including women hate women.