So AEW/Hooligans was a TOTAL letdown...



Some dipshit, Rusv or something, just criticized the Undertaker because he said the lockeroom has changed, and the guy said "Sorry, we don't have guns and drugs in the Lockeroom... We just play video games and hang out with each other"

Yeah, and that's the problem!!! Some drugs, hookers, and guns might make these little pussies grow some balls!

The Undertaker didn’t break character for 30 years. That’s commitment to your craft!

Harry Powell

Semen is the aggression of a man
My nigger that's my bad. I autocorrect that shit for you.

No rehab story. Had to spend 3 Gs on a dumb fucking kid who wrestled a nigger to the ground. Stupid fucking son. Some spook gave his bitch an act right and my kid became Mr. Chivalry.
I thought you had to go to rehab for calling and threatening your parole officer. Was it all lies?!


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
I thought you had to go to rehab for calling and threatening your parole officer. Was it all lies?!
He played us all, like the fucking marks we are.

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I thought you had to go to rehab for calling and threatening your parole officer. Was it all lies?!

Nah man. I went to alcohol treatment for threatening my parole officer. that was over and done with money. That was back when I still had the little teenager cooking my meals lol.

The break in posting came from my son. He decided he wanted to be all noble when his daddy already told him that this world don't shine like that. Sometimes your kid sees in black and white.


Nah man. I went to alcohol treatment for threatening my parole officer. that was over and done with money. That was back when I still had the little teenager cooking my meals lol.

The break in posting came from my son. He decided he wanted to be all noble when his daddy already told him that this world don't shine like that. Sometimes your kid sees in black and white.
Remember when you didn’t clock the worm? I remember


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
Yeah he is, but goddamn his politics... but he's also of the age that trust EVERYTHING coming from MSM, which in his case is MSNBC,
He has the greatest encyclopedic knowledge when talking about wrestling, but when he talks about anything else he turns into a fucking retarded boomer.

He called Marko Cunt a puss filled pocket pussy though, so i can forgive him his faults.
Wait a minute you're saying that a wrestling event meant for children in a woke generation that doesn't have a single great wrestling personality this decade sucked ehehehhhehheh :image_4848: