So AEW/Hooligans was a TOTAL letdown...



As 99.999999% of you would have expected, a 38 year old alcoholic construction worker couldn't maintain a relationship with a 19 year old waitress. Sad part was cunt scalped my AEW tickets, so the show (and us going to hooligan's after) was squashed.

Sorry I ain't been on in a minute, there was some real life drama with my oldest kid and I had to go to Arizona. He got wrongfully accused of some shit and I had to support him. They tried to say he committed a hate crime for beating up a guy, but finally it came out in court that he stopped a domestic violence situation from escalating further.

I'm back now tho. Loved you guys, missed you guys, I don't think I can't post as much now that the snow is gone and we actually have to work every day, but I'm here. Thank you to everyone who mentioned me. You know I love ya too brothermen.


Gassers/Say "Cookie" Alt
Our glorious leader has returned, The Alliance was not complete without you!

Hope your kid is okay, sad to hear it didn't work out with your girlfriend.

This place has not been the same without you, i'm so glad your back, Ricci bless you!



Our glorious leader has returned, The Alliance was not complete without you!

Hope your kid is okay, sad to hear it didn't work out with your girlfriend.

This place has not been the same without you, i'm so glad your back, Ricci bless you!

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My son tried to be captain save a hoe in this faggot ass sjw culture. He's lucky when he beat that nigger that his girl had the guts to testify for him. The heat they were trying to bring down on my son was felony assault with a hate crime enhancement. After her testimony, they saw it was just a dumb 19 year old white boy sticking his nose in business that wasn't his. I hope he learned his lesson.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
Shit brotherman, looks like we were all wrong about your disappearance. How’d rehab go? I had assumed you were either in jail or it worked and you got your shit together. Glad your kid got out of that trouble. I look forward to enjoying your sober posts, and calling you a faggot for your 16 year old drunk girl posts. Welcome back to the firm.


Shit brotherman, looks like we were all wrong about your disappearance. How’d rehab go? I had assumed you were either in jail or it worked and you got your shit together. Glad your kid got out of that trouble. I look forward to enjoying your sober posts, and calling you a faggot for your 16 year old drunk girl posts. Welcome back to the firm.
Glad to be back, my friend

Welcome back buddy, hope things will turn out ok for ya. Ricci bless🙏🏻

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Everything is coming up Milhouse 😉