‘Sidehackers’ MST3K (1991)

Uncle Floyd

Nice try, Floyd.
Star Wars holiday special is incredible. It starts a little slow, I said this in another comment, but there are too many jokes about Elton John in the first 20 minutes or so, but after that it’s just so goddamn funny. Incredibly funny. The version they have on YouTube is neutered because it takes out most of the commercials if not all of them and the commercials had so many good riffs.

Guy from Harlem is terrific, Miami Connection, Samurai Cop, Santa and the Ice Cream Bunny is one of the very best, I would probably recommend most of their Christmas catalog like Santa’s Summer House, their new riffs on old MST3K classics Santa Claus Conquers the Martians and Santa Clause, I would also recommend ROTOR and Honor and Glory.

I mean there’s just so many. A lot of it depends on your taste in movies. For example, I love it when they riff 80s action movies and their holiday movies. Some people prefer 90s movies, or 70s movies, or cheesy action flicks, etc.

There are a bunch of free ones on Amazon, and Tubi (free with ads). They have some movies on the YouTube channel that are full riffs, but as I said with the Star Wars holiday special, sometimes some of the best parts are cut out.

There are YouTube clips of a lot of the commercials from the Star Wars holiday special riffed by Rifftrax that you might want to check out if you want to watch the Holiday Special and want to see the commercials missing from the YouTube version.

For real though, go to Tubi or Amazon and binge on the free ones.

I am a huge Rifftrax fan and even I will bail out within 15 minutes if a riff isn’t up my alley. Because I can try another one and it might hit the exact spot. Once you’ve watched enough of them you’ll know which ones you’re looking for because they seem to riff differently for each genre.

Certainly try Santa Claus and the ice cream bunny. I’m pretty sure that one is on their YouTube/Tubi/Amazon.

It’s among their most famous.

But if you don’t like that one, it might not be in the genre you enjoy. Try another genre and you’ll find something you like. There are literally hundreds of RiffTrax available. They’re about $10 a pop for a full movie, one dollar for a short, but try all the free ones first. There’s plenty out there between all the different platforms. Really, there’s dozens and dozens of free ones out there. Once you figure out what genre you enjoy the most, you’ll know what to search for if you want to buy some.
This guy really fucking likes RiffTrax.


I swear I responded to this thread but Incase I didn't




Edit: goddamit, if they don't work they're Werewolf and Space Munity.