‘Sidehackers’ MST3K (1991)


For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
The Sci Fi run - barring the awful running storyline they were forced to do - was their second chance at life: Comedy Central fucked them, Universal dumped their movie after three weeks, but the current president of the Sci Fi channel loved them and brought them on, giving them access to a bunch of terrible science fiction and horror films. You could tell how reinvigorated they were by the actual support, because that first year had their best episodes: Terror From the Year 5000, I Was A Teenage Werewolf, The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed Up Zombies, Agent of H.A.R.M., and my personal favorites, Prince of Space and Space Mutiny.


Grew up in the Mike era, so I've only seen a few Joel ones. What are the best episodes?
Poppy and Final Justice have already been mentioned. The guys stole a restaurant full of ribs with those commentary tracks. Trying to rack my brain about other eps but I don’t want to squash the pea. [MEDIA=youtube]6zXDo4dL7SU[/MEDIA]

Dummy Gaynuts

Pookie-pie water-pig
WWAWD Crenshaw from boggy creek 2



For the last time, I am NOT Frank Grimes!
Was Magic Sword watched on an episode? I grew up with Mike episodes and ended up discovering Joel later. I prefer the Mike ones but Joel had some funny ones too.

Joel had a handful of good ones, I'll give you, but he usually tried to be nice about the flaws, where Mike - especially when Bill came on as Crow - was fucking cruel and I loved it.

Joel's best are Manos, The Day The Earth Froze, Mitchell (his best and his last), Monster A Go Go, Catalina Caper, and any of the re-dubbed Sandy Frank Japanese films, especially Gamera.

Gamera is really neat, Gamera is full of meat, we've been eating GA-MER-A!