Screenplay synopsis for me forever, Tiny Tim completion never

Salted Earth Truffle

Eric Hildeman poked my no-no hole when I was 5
It's the customary vagueness. Depending on how the reaction goes he can always say it's for himself and his agent wants him to do it. At the same time he might trick a few rubes into thinking he'a got something special going on because he's too uninformed about how anything really works and assumes everyone else is too.
Sounds convoluted. If his fingers are moving, he’s lying.


Dan doesn't have a penis. I. Do.
Sounds convoluted. If his fingers are moving, he’s lying.

So as I suspected it’s most likely the screenplay that supposedly made it to the quarter finals of a competition several years ago.

Of course, he’s wrong since their rules state that any sort of activity that furthers the future production of a completed screenplay is not allowed.


and her hair smells like red froot loops

So as I suspected it’s most likely the screenplay that supposedly made it to the quarter finals of a competition several years ago.

Of course, he’s wrong since their rules state that any sort of activity that furthers the future production of a completed screenplay is not allowed.

He "investigated", he "checked with" who exactly? He acts like he personally called the head of the WGA and got permission.

Salted Earth Truffle

Eric Hildeman poked my no-no hole when I was 5
He "investigated", he "checked with" who exactly? He acts like he personally called the head of the WGA and got permission.
That’s why you know it’s a lie. Pat has no contacts in entertainment whatsoever, let alone at the WGA. But he does have a highly decorated veteran WGA member telling him point-blank that he’s wrong. Oopsie doodles!


Dan doesn't have a penis. I. Do.
I can only imagine how ugly and shitty a Pat pitch deck would be. Not to mention that a synopsis for a pitch deck would need to be max 100 words. Pat’s final draft would have 100 commas alone.

Protip, Pat: It’s PowerPoint, not Word.
Has Pat even seen a pitch deck before? They’re very visual, often involving a lot of graphic design because it’s usually the director or creator of a project using it to sell a completed idea to secure funding. This suggests Pat’s project is actually at a point where all they need is the money to do it which is definitely true and 100% a violation of the WGA strike rules.


He poisons himself and expects the world to die.
Has Pat even seen a pitch deck before? They’re very visual, often involving a lot of graphic design because it’s usually the director or creator of a project using it to sell a completed idea to secure funding. This suggests Pat’s project is actually at a point where all they need is the money to do it which is definitely true and 100% a violation of the WGA strike rules.
I fucking hope not, Pat actually getting a greenlit screenplay (even if it's SyFy Original absolute shit tier) would be a huge stlaker L that I personally can't handle right now. The only fact that would keep me from killing myself is he'd piss off the WGA for pennies and never work again.