Screenplay synopsis for me forever, Tiny Tim completion never

Salted Earth Truffle

Eric Hildeman poked my no-no hole when I was 5
yeah just like 3 years ago his script was being passed around in Hollywood btw
This is as close as his work will ever get to being “passed around Hollywood”:



Portly Pepperoni Purveyor
I love the use of “we,” as if he has a screenwriting agent and team of managers behind him. In reality the only “we” is Pat and his four people’s worth of fat cells.

In Pat talk, 'We' is his get out clause in case he is called up on his monumental bullshit by someone of actual authority and he can shunt the blame away from him. Its so he is never solely cuplable.


The gunslinger.
yeah just like 3 years ago his script was being passed around in Hollywood btw

I love the one with the Russian nuclear submarine where one Russian guy is loading the nukes like a Charlie Chaplin sketch and his superior is childing him like a gay American high school student.

“Vladimir, sweetie. Please do be careful while handling the atomic weapons, they’re rather dangerous”


Reminder: Vincent D'Onofrio blocked Patrick
I love the use of “we,” as if he has a screenwriting agent and team of managers behind him. In reality the only “we” is Pat and his four people’s worth of fat cells.
In the past he's mentioned a mysterious screenplay writing partner that we've never figured out.

I'm guessing Mike Underwood or Adam Rakunas because I can.picture both pleading with Rick to not mention them on Twitter anymore.



Females arent funny
This is a lie and an attention grab because he thinks more eyes are on his Twitter. So when he gets called out, magically everything about this project is "not considered crossing strike lines" like almost to a T and fatty cakes has no problems childing anyone who dares question. I'm surprised it's not a reply to his original tweet at this point.
This is a lie and an attention grab because he thinks more eyes are on his Twitter. So when he gets called out, magically everything about this project is "not considered crossing strike lines" like almost to a T and fatty cakes has no problems childing anyone who dares question. I'm surprised it's not a reply to his original tweet at this point.
Yep, he's so out of touch with the *real* writers out there that it didn't even register that his braggadocios tweet is occurring during an extremely contentious writers' strike. Now he can't delete it without drawing more attention to it, so he has to backpedal and try to save (fat) face.


Don't take any guff from these swine
Also he’s obviously making shit up on the spot. How did it go from “Got asked to write a script” to “Already wrote it”?

Technicality McGee did say script synopsis and not script (this time). He's still fatly lying, of course, as is his way. If it was that screenplay he claimed was in a competition and was being looked at by whoever, a synopsis wouldn't be necessary because it's already out there. If it's a different screenplay that Pat's never mentioned before, no one would know about it to ask for a summary in the first place.

It could be that Niki asked him for a brief synopsis because she hoped it would keep him busy for a few months. It could be that he is the one who asked to write a synopsis. It's not clear because he's terrible at writing.