If she works full time then Sam and Jess can afford childcare for 3 children which is also quite impressive...
Sam has retired parents and comes from a well to do family. He's not some kid who worked his way up from the bottom, his family is bunch of Westchester WASPs, for fuck's sake.
they are getting relatively high profile guests on from the comedy world and even the occasional minor celebrity as well, if the show had no listenership then why would these comedians and B-List/C-List celebrities even bother?
Let me once again explain to non-radio people how radio works. Back in the O&A days, we had Roland. He operated outside of SXM. That's over now, so what happens, is that SXM books guests, who then DO ALL THE SHOWS. No big or semi big guest is showing up for Jim & Sam. If they get Bryan Cranston, it's because Bryan Cranston was dong a media tour, and did 4 other shows before J&S. I'm not trying to be mean or hurtful, but I don't see how you're this oblivious to the way things work.
You said yourself that in 06 Sam was employed for 40k a year, do you think over 18 years he's only managed to double that figure? No chance unless he's the biggest no ball having bitch in history.
Travis has been on staff since 06, hired at $52K, by your logic he should be making more that Sam, right? Troy has been there long too, so I guess he gets a six figure salary as well. Can you imagine working at a place for 20 years and STILL not bringing home major cash? Why do you think Travis still works there. Why do you think Sam still does his thing. This is all they have, and they have no place else to go. Show up everyday, do your work, be nice to everyone and don't get fired. You look at Sam and think, what a success!! Meanwhile, I look at Sam and think, "Wow, he's really got nothing else." Jim & Sam are the stagnant leftovers of Opie & Anthony, who haven't been able to gain any traction or upward movement since the show's inception.
J&S been on what, 8 years? O&A had already blown up Boston, blew up NY, and landed a multi year, multi million dollar syndication deal in that same time span. J&S inherited a time slot, 8 years ago. That's it. Please continue to explain in detail how lavishly successful fucking SAM is...lol.
I'm not saying Jim & Sam are broadcasting to millions or even hundreds of thousands just that they have a nice little niche audience that Sirius would like to keep.
What do you think their fan base is. How many people would you say tune in to J&S every day. I would love to know what your stupid fucking brain fires out at this one.
Sam makes $200,000 but also has a small, niche audience. Pick a lane you dumb fuck.