Rittenhouse MEGATHREAD


Yes. I had cyber sex sessions with Leslie.
Vos had a powerful take on the verdict


Bonus battle of the minds: Levy vs Vos



Access to the Debates
They REALLY want to kangaroo court Rittenhouse to the gallows, don’t they?

It’s hilarious how so many people keep saying “what if Rittenhouse was BLACK and hurt CONSERVATIVES?!?!”

We’ve seen that story. Black School shooters walking free, antifa fags assaulting business owners and burning shit down and getting off with no charges, blacks playing the knockout game on Asians and white supremacy being blamed, etc etc etc etc. White is the new nigger in the corporate media/social media sphere, but these people still act like it’s the Antebellum south. It’s pretty much the opposite. Go to a majority black neighbourhood as white, it’s guaranteed you at least get jeered at, if not beaten, robbed or raped.