Rittenhouse MEGATHREAD


"Right-Wingers Now Relocated 86% of Western Jews into Work Camps in Predictable Fashion"

No more relocations!



the Gentleman's sissy hypno
Portland antifa starting a tiny fire in the street.
I skimmed the Kenosha post trial livestream. Watching it and how pathetic the energy was it seems now like the 2020's BLM terrorism was their version of the Trump 2016 election: all the dominos were in place, they can attempt to relive or revive but it can't happen again on that scale


Breakfast Corn
I skimmed the Kenosha post trial livestream. Watching it and how pathetic the energy was it seems now like the 2020's BLM terrorism was their version of the Trump 2016 election: all the dominos were in place, they can attempt to relive or revive but it can't happen again on that scale

Plus its not summer....its pretty cold (33 degrees) and sports isnt stopped because of covid. Lots of sports on tomorrow.