Rittenhouse MEGATHREAD


don't call me scarface
Reddit being suprisingly level headed about this:

Also I hate to actually defend reddit, or make people here think whites aren't under attack, but I thought I'd share a whitepilling story.

I was banned from r/fragilewhiteredditor for saying "fuck white people. ALL white people are trash" (or something like that). Then I was banned from the entire site (by a reddit admin) for the same post. I replied really nicely, explaining how you can't be racist about white people (with liberal sources), even clarified I was black, but the admin replied I was still permanately suspended for racism against whites.

i like killakhunsdeadson but, what's he doing?
stay off the internet for a bit man


What you Torquin 'bout Wheelers

Will Tate

Oven March
I hope the young man can be safely isolated to decompress from this farcical shitshow. Only the naïve idealism of youth would drive someone to go clean up and defend that neighborhood, and when shit went from cleaning up graphiti to life-or-death, he handled himself like a man. Those videos looked torn straight out of an action movie, and this kid was 17 years old. Men more than twice his age can only wish they could pull off that shit. That night and this laughable clusterfuck that followed was an honest-to-God baptism by fire, the kind of rite of passage ancient primitive societies had that turned boys into men, and Kyle made it through with flying colors.

I also hope that people really start to think that if a single 17-year-old boy can put down take out three of these degenerate cunts just trying to save his own ass, imagine legions of them, far more heavily-armed, jaded, pissed-off, and possessing not a shred of the compassion that kept Byecep from catching a second round to the skull and scoring Kyle the hat trick.

Just imagine....


Jim Norton’s Wife's Cock

Those breeches will stay open!
Meanwhile there are a handful of black folks in front of the courthouse wondering when to start looting or waiting for their friends from Chicago to arrive to really kick it off.
Imagine the demoralisation if they all arrive to fuck up Kenosha and some based retard with a rifle turns up and starts blasting them.

I guess Austin Zone sticks to Twitch now @RobertMewler

Ahhh how i have missed this, 2020 was the summer of kino.