Rittenhouse MEGATHREAD


Gen Z Boss And A Mini


Reddit being suprisingly level headed about this:


Also I hate to actually defend reddit, or make people here think whites aren't under attack, but I thought I'd share a whitepilling story.

I was banned from r/fragilewhiteredditor for saying "fuck white people. ALL white people are trash" (or something like that). Then I was banned from the entire site (by a reddit admin) for the same post. I replied really nicely, explaining how you can't be racist about white people (with liberal sources), even clarified I was black, but the admin replied I was still permanately suspended for racism against whites.
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May St. Mel bless you
Reddit is all about following the consensus, real or perceived. Can't collect updoots and awards if you have a deviant opinion, after all.

That's how Reddit differs from Twitter. Twitter is about spamming the lefty opinion to create a false majority. Reddit is astroturf, but only to a point. Once reality sets in, the discussion shifts that way, because again, updoots are collected by going where the majority goes.

Reddit was great in the aftermath of Trump's win in 2016. Because Redditors saw that Trump had support, was going to be president, and had to reflect on their bubble.


I swear to god. All of the lefty retards keep using the 'across state lines' line like it's some big deal. ITS NOT ILLEGAL TO CROSS STATE LINES YOU FAGGOTS. I live in NY and go to Connecticut and Pennsylvania all the time. Shut the fuck up about that. This just goes to show you that they all repeat the same thing from their stupid fucking echo chamber. Have an original thought for once.