Rittenhouse MEGATHREAD




(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
It is nice. The system is the problem in the first place. Kid should have never been on trial in the first place. No one who actually lives in kenosha wanted that kid to go to jail. It’s a mockery of justice and morality in the first place. I hope he sues the ever living fuck out of the media.
Say “in the first place” again, Joe!


This trial has been my life since it started and I missed the verdict because I selfishly went out to buy yarn (thinking it was a safe time since it was during their lunch break). I had to rewind the stream to hear the verdict.

You can fess up that you too shed a tear for the sweet boy.

@analeggsalad not all women are pozzed. Some of us want the 19th amendment repealed, no women on juries, and all Jews wiped from the face of the earth. ;)


I don't think there's going to be a chimpout. They're too demoralized. Plus they know deep down that it was the correct verdict.
enemy too demoralized? what would genghis khan do? victories are pointless if you don't exploit them. now rittenhouse will spend the next three years pleading with everyone that he's not a racist/anti-semite and the left will claim a moral victory. the left exploits every win and loss.

medium wyzzz

Judge is giving the defense an out to name the three faggots as "criminals" if the defense can prove that, and clearly they were. The blown up arm kike literally drew his gun on Kyle with feigning surrender.

I don't know what the fuck is going on, but I feel like I'm only gonna get the most biased results possible if I ask anyone on either side of this fuckin shit-show.


the Gentleman's sissy hypno
They're already lining up to fuck him.

every mass murderer who got significant media attention gets love letters from women for the rest of their lives. And not just from BPD/bipolar freaks, tens of thousands of average women. Only Elvis tier dudes get the same attention

That's just some shit about your gender that you have to own and work out whatever that says about you


Stand Alone Fruit
I don't think there's going to be a chimpout. They're too demoralized. Plus they know deep down that it was the correct verdict.
Plus it’s real cold in Wisconsin. Floyd riots were summer when the looting’s easy. This hopefully shows there isn’t zero consequences for looting and destroying property from civilians. Mayors in those cities just let these idiots do whatever they want to steal and burn things down. It took a 17 year old kid to show the country regular people aren’t taking this shit.


(Voluntarily) torqued boomer
Someone beat you to it, LIBTARD!!!
Hrmph. What’s the matter? Your LIBERAL brain too BUTTHURT from the loss, TOUGHGUY? 😎😂😂😂 I was merely COMMENTING on your repeated and UNNECESSARY USE of a given phrase. DOESN’T MATTER how many TIMES you’re told 😎 take some WISDOM from the GREATEST GENERATION (“boomers”) and learn to be HUMBLE 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸