Rittenhouse MEGATHREAD

Mitch Weaver

Wave bye bye, staIker


the Gentleman's sissy hypno
that bitch has a side in this?

do you really identify with jewish weirdos fighting "white supremacy" in the streets where you are nothing more to them but a racial pawn/tool used by them to erode white "power"? when whites are a minority jewish antifa 'antiracists' will continue to segregate themselves and live in neighborhoods and schools your kids won't be able to live in/attend, as they already do

Dumb nigger


May St. Mel bless you
Thank God.

Now I hope Kyle can get the therapy he needs. Even though it was self defense, even though they deserved it, the kid is going to carry the weight of killing people for a long time. Kyle was no monster.

Half the country thinks he's a klan member, but they should forget about him with the Jogger trial.

Gay Faggot.

I am Dan.
It's nice to see the system can still work even with Jew media aggression.
It is nice. The system is the problem in the first place. Kid should have never been on trial in the first place. No one who actually lives in kenosha wanted that kid to go to jail. It’s a mockery of justice and morality in the first place. I hope he sues the ever living fuck out of the media.


the Gentleman's sissy hypno
I went to MSNBC just to see the meltdown and one of the panel ladies there said Kyles situation was equivalent to robbing a bank and then shooting people for trying to apprehend him. What a fucking joke.
I saw a media jew refer to them as "racial justice protestors" the other day. that's the angle in their mind

>implying they're not a violent deadly mob of nihilistic Congoid niggers who crave primitive ape-tribe violence + white brainwashing Victims + Jews who want to pull a Holodomor on all white Trump supporters

January 6th capitol demonstrators were election integrity protestors